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Topic: Path of Life

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Michael, Serena, LIGHT, Unknown Source

TR: Henry Z., Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris




Michael: [Henry] Greetings to you my friends, it is your older brother Michael here this morning to underline this mornings conversation. The interesting thing about life on the planet you live on right now is that you are not able to change the direction that life has taken, that life is growing into on this planet. These are things that are set in motion. The only thing that changes is your reference to it, your reaction to it, how you will use this life, what you are giving to this life. That is constantly changing like life itself. But the course of life must traverse its path. It is not necessary to define the path, it is only necessary to determine your relationship with life's path.

It is true that everything each and every one of you do on this planet is either working towards bringing life to a greater expression of itself or not. It must have become crystal clear to you in these past few weeks that there is nothing from the outside that is coming in and automatically changing what is. This is still your task. It has always been and nothing has changed to alter this phenomenon, this reality of your part in the big whole of life. It would be easier to change the course of the revolution of your planet around your sun than to change the course of life on your world because life takes its own course. It is incomplete and it is a stage, an opportunity to comprehend perfection, to comprehend love and goodness, fellowship, compassion or confusion and destruction.


If you want to look at history, which is always in some respects accurate, history shows that mankind always resorts to the worst, the worst possible scenario. There is no understanding to comprehend why this is so but it is a tremendous awareness which will bring a shift, an outworking of spiritual dimension in an otherwise material world and a planetary life. You are truly on the verge, the edge, a precipice where you can see both sides. You have a dream, you know the dream, you feel the dream, you can almost palpate the dream. Can this dream be brought into consciousness, into awareness? Can you actually bring this dream into your own life? If this dream is to be brought into the life of this world, then first must be those who dare to dream this dream and dare to live this dream for this is the only way the world will know this dream exists, by dreaming it together.


I come to you as a friend, one who has tasted the life on this world so I know the challenges which await you and I know that the Father is with you every step of the way, participating, hopefully participating in this grand endeavor to bring something as great as peace, respect and responsibility back into life. But if perchance life becomes increasingly challenging, know that it is a responsibility of each of you to hold truth in its highest form and in its most human application and the most human application of all truth is the application of love, of peace, of respect, compassion for all of life, for all of the people on this world, for all of my children, even the wayward ones, especially the wayward ones.

You may find that the challenges just ahead may surmount to an almost impasse. This is part of life, contrast. It's like painting a picture of the mountains. To be able to display the mountains in a picture you must use the shadows created by the ridges in the mountains which define the mountains, that define its character. You are able to actually see the mountains, its splendor, because of the contrast and the shadows which help make it so. My friends you are moving into the shadowland of life. You know exactly where the defining line is, there is no mistake. It becomes apparent with contrasts.

In all of these moments ahead of you, stay within the clear headed consciousness of a stillness practice. Stay within the neutral zone and act accordingly. The time is upon you that you will find a use for every tool you have acquired in this life. You are entering the great age of character building. With these words my friends, I will leave you to your private thoughts. Know that our Divine love surrounds you and holds you individually, collectively and as a world. You are all in God's hands. Thank you my friends and go in peace and have a wonderful week.


Serena: [Mark] Hello my friends, I am Serena. I am honored to respond to the conversation about me and my function and my presence among you. In reflection on your discussion, I will have these thoughts to share. It is true that I am proficient at the stringing or weaving together of energy fields. I am able to do such things as a result of my awareness and my willingness to work with the forces at play and the principles as they occur and so I take it to myself to become proficient at such a thing and therefore it is a character trait of mine that you then associate with me.

What I would like you to consider is that you are, in you your own right, weavers of light in your dimension, in a very real and true and beautiful and good sense. What would make you even more proficient, is gaining more and more awareness that this is so, that you do in fact have this role to play among others that you assume in your life experience. Consider taking this light energy that you would perceive coming from the portal or the nest or your own Inner Guide and taking this energy and encircling those in your life experience, binding them with this light energy to the nest or to the portal or to the Father, stringing them together with will and intention because of your awareness.

This awareness that this is possible and that this is part of your role and function enables you to be most effective. So while you refer to me as one who is able to weave energy together and you are correct; I invite you to consider yourselves likewise. You are able to weave these strands of energy that you have come to know with intention and with purpose. Weave them around and through and into all factions that you choose to do. In this way, everything becomes part of the nest, everything is attached to the great central force. It is not as though this isn't so by virtue of its existence and relationship to its Creator but it is as though it is reinforced with the application of your individual intentions, your desire to restring or to reattach things more closely to the nest, to the center, to the light, with the light.

These were the thoughts that I was prompted to share with you regarding your earlier discussions and your invitation for me to join you for which I am grateful. It is always my pleasure. I now step aside as this forum can be used by others. Thank you, good day.


Light: [Mark] Greetings to this group, I am Light and I have a few contributions to make with the thought stream previously offered in the discussion and that being the idea of following the path of the straight and narrow. I would use this for some illustration. This similar idea of following a straight and narrow path towards the divine is present in many religious contexts as many different religions have discerned that the more you choose truth, beauty and goodness and avoid all things which do not resonate with these principles, the straighter the path becomes and the easier it is to just simply move forward. It is when there is great amounts of uncertainty as to what it is that is true or good or beautiful that causes one to veer off the path to explore, to investigate, to determine for themselves how much truth, how much beauty, how much goodness may be contained in any given experience before them.

And so it is that the path begins wide for any seeker, there are many detours that are taken to investigate whether this is on the path or off the path, perhaps the new path, perhaps a contribution to the old path and in these initial explorations there is great amounts of exploring and discovery which must occur and so the path is broad and wide. But the more one proceeds as an earnest seeker of divinity, the more ones choices become clarified and the need to veer off course to explore and discover becomes less and less as the experience becomes greater and greater. In this way it is quite literally true that the path narrows down in its definition as a result of your continued choosing and re-choosing and your decision to choose not all those things which you see as not contributing to your path.

In this way, the seeker defines their direction, they have settled on their internal spiritual compass heading and they are in pursuit of that direction. So it literally does become a straight path and a fairly narrow path in that much of that which is not reality, not true, not good and not beautiful simply falls away from lack of being chosen or considered as a viable option. In this way, these passive gestures made hourly to determine your direction create for you this straighter and narrower path, easier to walk because there is less uncertainty with each step, more and more conviction and greater and greater faith in your compass heading and in your proper direction.


Thank you for the opportunity to bring something to the discussion this morning in relationship to a common phrase used. I appreciate the opportunity to join you and bid you all have a great week ahead, farewell.

Unknown Source: [Cathy] Bring the light to share, together we will weave new ways to live and show Father's will to believe. Our light within will light the world.