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Topic: Other Spirit Contact

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Michael




Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, good evening. At least it’s evening here on earth where we are and, since you’re here with us: good evening. Tonight I have a special request and that is, it seems lately--the last few months in our Urantia community online and elsewhere--there’s been increased curiosity about this whole t/r transmitting/receiving process. Mother Spirit and you have given a few lessons on it before so I thought maybe tonight I’d ask you to extend those lessons a bit--fill in the blanks that you think we might have. You and Mother Spirit have also talked about the fact that, with the lifting of the spiritual quarantine on our planet, there’s been a number of celestial beings flocking here just to be our friends and our compatriots. And so this t/r process is how we get a hold of them and actually carry on a conversation with them. So, if you would please, tonight maybe elaborate a bit more on what’s involved. Thank you.

Celestial Contact

Michael: Good evening, this is Michael. And yes, Mother Spirit and I are glad to give you any information we can about this process because we do encourage everyone, everyone who’s even faintly interested in contacting a celestial being, to wade in. The water’s fine.

  • Other-spirit contact

This contact is a great gift you can give to your celestial friend, so keep that in mind. It’s not just a self-centered thing, but it’s a wonderful gift because you’re giving your whole life; not only your attention, but your whole soul, your whole mind. Everything can be open to your celestial friend. Then they too can give you their take on things, their viewpoint from their particular life. This is doubly rewarding, what we’ve called before “the two-hundred-percent-ness of life.” Your reality is not only what you are consciously registering moment to moment, but it is also all the symbolic resonance of meaning resonating all around you as your interpretation of that reality. This is how your own experience--your knowledge, understanding, and your soul--adds so much to your present moments. What do they mean!

For a brief review, let me remind you that you do have spiritual presences in your mind which are quite distinct from your own personality and your own creative spirit. You have the presence of God within you, the Thought Adjuster that is actually part of you, part of your thinking, and part of adjusting your thoughts spirit-wise. Here we mean by spirit that dimension of reality which is all-inclusive. This presence of God within you is constantly trying to get you to be ever more open-minded and broad-minded to escape your own, shall we say, unique, particular conditioning.

Then you have both Mother Spirit and myself within you. Mother Spirit augments your basic mental facilities of intuition, knowledge, understanding, courage, and counsel. Then there are her super-Adjutants of worship and wisdom that no other animal has. This is what your Urantia book calls the fact that you are “super-minded” in addition to your physical brain of billions of cells and their living interrelationships. When you open your eyes you can look around and see you are taking in a billion little points of information, and the fact your mind is capable of storing this experience of yours as knowledge. As you grew up and you picked up the culture into which you were born--the language and the way things were there interrelated--all this became part of your understanding. Mother Spirit and I were very much a part of this.

My Spirit of Truth is an orientation. Think of it as a broad curiosity that’s nudging you to be open to spirit, be open to that dimension of reality that includes everything. Spirit is not only what you’re living in the middle of, and that you have a capability to experience—a capacity we encourage you to expand; it’s what you’re headed for--forever. There’s not only an enormous physical universe out there, but think of all the hundreds of different orders of personal beings that you will encounter some day.


  • Super-mindedness

This is your mind, and it’s more than just the physical being you have, your brain and nervous system. You have our spiritual presences within you. Because of this, because you are, shall we say, like a radio which already has our stations as part of you, your super-mindedness is the fact you can tune into other stations. You have the means of accessing that which is greater than you. And here I’m referring specifically to other personal celestial beings who are delighted to make contact with you, and have these living conversations with you.

As Mother Spirit talked about last time, all you have to do is, in you meditations, send out this request, this hunger, this desire for contact. Just think, “Okay. Here I am. I’m open. I’m open to whomever of whatever order of personal being that wants to contact me and share their life with mine,” and a name will occur to you. It may be some very familiar English word, or it may be something rather strange to you; but just think on it for a while. Absorb this deep within you and then address this other personal being and ask them to start articulating their thoughts right in your own mind.

This is essentially what this transmitting/receiving process is all about. It’s a way of highly consciously setting yourself aside and turning over the language part of your mind to another being. Again: you can do this because you are super-minded. You have a spiritual aspect, a part of you that can be sensitive to this kind of input. And this is what t/r-ing is all about.

Now here it’s essential, it’s very essential that you give this contact reality, just as you give Mother Spirit, and myself, and the presence of God within you, reality, because, of your free will you have the ability to deny us, or ignore us: or to give us reality. This is your fundamental choice. This is the essence of your free will that no higher spiritual being will counteract in any way. You literally have to make us feel welcome.


  • Make it physical

One way you can give us this reality is by making a physical transcript of what is coming through you. Because once you write something down, its physical reality is now independent of you, something you can re-read again later and reflect upon. You just sit down and say, “Okay, I’m open, dear friend,” and start writing down what comes into your mind. Don’t be surprised if it will be coming from another point of view. In other words, they might say—and you would write: “Hello, this is…(the name you give them)… Let’s step off here. Let me speak through your mind to you.” And then you just start writing down what comes to you. Like I say, don’t be surprised if it is from another point of view, because that’s the whole purpose.

They can start by giving you lessons on how to do this. They can help train you, if you will, to set yourself aside and let their thoughts come through, because you will be giving up part of your life in the sense of: you could be doing something else. You could be out running around with other friends, or making your breakfast, or working on your car. So in this one way of making contact you are definitely committing yourself, committing part of your life, shall we say, twenty minutes or so every morning to this activity. You are giving yourself over to them and to this friendship between you.

All of sudden, with this physical reality of it--whether you’re writing it down, or you’re recording it to transcribe it later, or, if you are facile enough with a keyboard, you can be typing it out on your computer--all of a sudden you’ll find yourself in the reality of another point of view coming through you. This is the essence of it. This is the glory of it, the wonder of it.

Maybe I should underline that word “wonder.” Because even after you’ve done this for quite a while, there will still be some mystery to it all. Because it is something you will be letting happen; it won’t be coming from your personality. And that’s the whole value of it. It’s not from your own personality and your own creative spirit, but is coming from the higher part of your mind, your highest part of mind where you are making contact with that spirit reality which is more than you.

Correcting Time

  • Increasing universal wonder

As Mother Spirit and I have said a number of times, this is happening worldwide. Now that the spiritual quarantine has been lifted on your world, this is what is happening to a lot of people all over the world, whether or not they are exactly conscious of it in the same kind of Urantia-book-related way, as we are in these concepts I’m using. It can be happening in every religious context.

And again, this is nothing exactly new insofar as this has been happening for centuries and centuries in terms of Mother Spirit and I. Every since Pentecost my Spirit of Truth has been a rather universal presence in people’s minds. And, of course, Mother Spirit goes back before Andon and Fonta--the first human beings—far before them in her directing the whole course of life evolution on earth.

And, of course, God himself is not only omniscient and omnipotent, but also omnipresent in a way that transcends time and space. We all literally live in his being. Yet also: it’s that particular, individualized aspect of him that he gives of himself to you as a gift: a particularized, personal aspect of him that literally becomes part of your mind. This is your Thought Adjuster, adjusting your thoughts ever more spirit-wise, ever more inclusive of everything because, my dear ones, that’s what you’re headed for. You’re aimed towards everything. The sooner you embrace this, the sooner you feel the wonder of it all. It’s a very powerful aspect of humility--the awareness of that which is so much greater than all of us, yet that we have as our birthright--as an eternity to look forward to of an unending discovery.

So why not start now? Why wait until natural death to contact spiritual beings? Why not have this as part of your life right now, this inexplicable wonder that is real simply because it’s happening. That’s the unmistakable quality of it--the self-sufficient quality of it--it’s independence from you. Spirit reality is part of the essence of this whole universe surrounding you, my children--the fact that you are involved in an infinity of infinites; and yet: this is your home! This infinity was made as much for you as for every other personal being. This is God’s nature of sharing this fantastic creativity of his with every single one of you, for you to have your own creative spirit as part of your personality. It’s what the Eternal Son of pure spirit delights in sharing with you, just as the Infinite Spirit, working through Mother Spirit, gives you your super-mindedness.

  • Come on in—the water’s fine

So, as I say: come on in. This living water of spirit is fine; so fine beyond your wildest imagination. For that’s what God delights in tickling us all with: we are all encompassed by that which is beyond our own personal creativity. It’s his creativity. And so, my dears, we offer you this living mystery just because it is so boundless, so endless, so wonderful.

Give it a try. In your meditations just give up part of your life to another in order to share part of your life, just like these precious moments. Share yourself with another celestial being, another spiritual being, and know the reality of it then. Have it be part of your soul.

Well, enough teasing. Let me open the floor now to any questions or comments you might want to share with me.

(Ed: to be continued with questions and answers)