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Topic: Change of Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Serena

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, our intention today is to participate with you to further bring in the energies of the Magisterial Mission to Urantia. Thank you for connecting us heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit that we may function as one in your unity and create more space in our planetary consciousness for the furtherance of this mission to continue and grow and change our world for the better. We open ourselves to you now. We join with our celestial helpers and we thank you for your WILL being done.

SERENA: Greetings, my dear brothers and sisters! This is Serena. I will be facilitating our time together today in focusing into the circuits of consciousness of this dear planet Urantia.


We are slightly altering the format today of the focusing efforts that you share with us. I invite you to place your internal gaze upon the word energy of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. See that in your mind’s eye. Feel your desire for the Magisterial Mission to be implemented here on the physical plane in material form. If it is helpful, you may also expand your gaze to see the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION gently pulsing upon the earth with you standing in its energy field. Take a few moments to visualize this. We will support your efforts in doing so. (Pause)

What we now ask of you is to focus the word energy of CHANGE OF HEART into this field of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. If it is helpful for your holding the focus, you may use that visualization of wrapping the words of CHANGE OF HEART around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise spiral north to south poles. The energy field of MAGISTERIAL MISSION is pulsing upon the earth, and you are simply asking for the energies of CHANGE OF HEART to integrate and harmonize with that energy field. Send that desire for CHANGE OF HEART to occur into planetary consciousness as we add what we can into where you place your heart energies. (Pause)

Long ages have passed since the time of Dalamatia and the Prince’s reign. This planet is not used to divine dispensations occurring here. There have been many impediments placed in the way of the success of these missions of Spirit to illuminate human consciousness. Even the presence of a Divine Son upon Urantia was distorted through the long centuries of people trying to understand His teachings.

But Michael’s plans of correction will not fail! They are being implemented very carefully, methodically and with the overarching control of the Divine Minister who supports your change in consciousness, helping you open to the ways of creation and life itself.

What we ask of you is to maintain that heart-felt attentive gaze into the constructs of planetary consciousness that new seeds of Spirit may be planted here and take good root into the places where there is receptivity.

As you know, there is a structure of authority operating upon your world that is not in keeping with the laws and ways of the Father’s plans. You might call this the rebellion mindset. It is being outworked. One of the ways we encourage you to assist us in this outworking is to expand your internal gaze and heart-felt desires for the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL to grow within the hearts and minds of His children.

If you can, we invite you to visualize these words the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL, projecting them from your hearts into the energies of CHANGE OF HEART circulating upon the globe. Feel your desire for the authority of Michael to take root, to grow, to expand, to liberate human consciousness by shedding the light of TRUTH within those constructs where the rebellion authority patterns have been established. What we seek is your heart-felt attention and desire for Michael to reign supreme here on His beloved world. Take your time. Send your desire and love for this into these constructs of CHANGE OF HEART and allow Michael to move through you as He takes His rightful place in the hearts of His children. (Pause)

I ask you to add one more visualization into what you are focusing. In your mind’s eye, see the words the HEART OF MICHAEL. Ask that to move through the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL and into the energies of CHANGE OF HEART into the field of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. It is not so important that you perceive or comprehend what we are accomplishing here as it is that you feel how much you desire Michael’s presence to grow in the hearts of His children to help them participate in the change of consciousness that paves the way for the Magisterial Mission to further evolve your world.

The energies of your hearts are so important and fundamental, my brothers and sisters. We can augment them mightily especially when you truly center yourselves in those desires so dear to your own hearts. We will continue to move in these circuits as you focus the HEART OF MICHAEL now into this larger energy configuration of Spirit. (Pause)

For a time there will be turmoil while these energies in and through human consciousness. How long this will last, we cannot say, for it is up to the individuals to awaken to the call of Spirit Within. We collaborate with you to build these circuits of higher consciousness, but you must seek to attach yourselves to them, if you will, through the practice of stillness and pray for the awakening of your brethren to the HEART OF MICHAEL and His sovereignty.

This is a free will universe. It is a free will choice for each individual to make for himself or herself. But much spiritual pressure is being applied to help people choose the Father’s way. For each individual is dearly loved and the Father invites everyone into His bosom, to greet them, to help them perceive them to perceive His LOVE and TRUSTWORTHINESS that their lives may be healed and transformed. And then this world can get on with the important business of healing and transformation. So never underestimate your efforts and remember to spend those mindful moments asking these energies to take deeper root and expand into Urantian consciousness.

You might say you are the gardeners in this field of consciousness, planting the seeds, cultivating their growth through your own change, through your positive thoughts, feelings and acts of love, carefully allowing these seeds to grow into the beautiful fruits of the spirit that will one day bloom brightly, vibrantly in Urantian consciousness.

Let us lift this circuit of co-creation up to the Paradise Deities in worshipful thanksgiving of the creative energies of LIFE flowing through this circuit.

Father, Mother-Son, and Spirit, we of the celestial realms join with our Urantian brothers and sisters, lifting up this circuit to you for your holy action moving into Urantian consciousness. Receive our praise for what you have created, and our appreciation for the ability to use your LOVE to cultivate more love here on this tiny world. We join as one with our brothers and sisters, and we thank you for receiving us now. (Pause)

Take a few moments to descend if you will back to Urantia. Imagine yourself standing on the earth in these energy fields of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION, CHANGE OF HEART, SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL, and the HEART OF MICHAEL and send that down into the earth, into the roots of consciousness for these energies to move, circulate, integrate and expand. (Pause)

The action of your Holy Mother Spirit functions in these circuits now as more LIGHT, TRUTH, and GOODNESS is imparted here. (Pause)


I will leave you now, my dear ones. I thank you on behalf of our celestial host for your participation. You may continue to remain in this meditative place. We will continue to support your focused efforts into the planet’s consciousness should you desire to continue for a few more moments after we conclude.

Cherish this time you live in, my brethren. It is truly unique. You are given a great opportunity to participate in a monumental time of healing. Let Michael’s plans of correction continue to unfold, and may your efforts continue to be filled with GRACE as you assist your Father and Mother to bring Urantia into the divine family, in Her rightful place once again. Good day, my dear ones.