Talk:2012-10-31-The Flurry 9

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Ron wrote as preface on November 1, 2012:

Advance Notice for New FLURRY Issue Coming Soon

It is my pleasure to announce that a new FLURRY is going to be sent to the BCC list sometime before next week (election week) is over. It is a very long document in draft form reaching at this time 39 pages, but it must go through independent editing since I am not capable of writing and then editing so much information. My eyes just do not pick out the mistakes and I am letting someone else do that for me. That means I can not give you an exact date for release as I write this to prepare you for an extraordinary release.

To readers of this coming FLURRY (Vol I, No. 9 for 2012), I wish to prepare you for a journey I never expected to know about much less hear directly what is being prepared for Urantia.

This FLURRY relates the decision by Michael of Nebadon to ask the Paradise Deities to provide a placement of the Council of Equilibrium on a planet near Salvington for Urantia help. Insofar as I know, no evolutionary planet has ever been afforded the opportunity to receive the input from Paradise right from a planet in time who asks for Paradise counsel. The Council of Equilibrium is composed of the highest spiritual authorities to be found anywhere and is attended by the Paradise Deities, the Master Spirits, and the Supreme Power Directors from all seven superuniverses.

FLURRY Number 9, the one coming soon, has been given the chance to sit down with Michael of Nebadon to discuss the disparities between the Urantia conversion to an architectural sphere and what it takes to get that done. In Michael’s interview with me, there was a sense of awe even from Michael what has been given to him and Urantia to overcome a disaster in over development of free will on Urantia and the pain that causes the Universal Father. After a long series of meetings on Paradise, Michael’s request was approved for installation of the Council of Equilibrium for Urantia with the Chief World of Seraphic Services to be its headquarters located near Salvington for the Council’s use.

See the Seraphic World discussions The Flurry Vol I No. 7 July 24, 2012 - The CARO Calculations

The Council of Equilibrium liaison Director for Salvington is the Completion Seraphim, Manotia, Order of Michael 499195.

The other approvals for Michael need some preparation for the reader’s mind to assimilate. Once and for all, Michael is making clear that the Council deals with all seven superuniverses and not just Orvonton, and that Urantia's problems can help look at opportunities for reclamation regardless of what caused the disaster in the first place. The Council has experience with a wider view of cosmic disasters and affords a complete review about how to fix them.

FLURRY Number 9 was given un-precedented access to Superuniverse Number Six. The Council may find that what is to be done with Urantia might be applied to Honeidar and Salisar.

In Superuniverse Number Six exists two planets with intelligent humans long established in Light and Life. Their worlds both experienced solar disruptions to the point that one, Salisar, had to be restarted with a new homo-spirituous race blended with the Adamic Material Sons. The other planet, Honeidar, a Michael bestowal planet in Superuniverse Six, existing some 60 light years from Salisar, had their solar system come apart when a Jupiter-sized planet ignited when it exploded and was captured by their solar star and now forms a binary star that is cooking the Honeidar planet to extinction.

I tell you these things because FLURRY No. 9 will probably become a widely read document by even those who never heard of the fifth epochal revelation. It has received some pictures by Thought Graph and transmissions by Telekinesis (all explained in the document) of sketches of transport and even physical appearance of both races. Quite a lot of detail has been given on dress and appearance and I believe this constitutes one of the greatest revelations of off-planet species ever officially given to anyone on our planet.

I have said enough to prepare you for a grand experience among the stars, and we can not go without thanking the Deities for being so gracious to give The FLURRY permission to access data no one else has been able to read or see before. This is done primarily to find solutions that are not confined to one superuniverse.

It may interest some readers to know (as it did me), that a Universal Censor was assigned to the project. Normally the Censor would cut me off when receipt of messages like this start to come in. The Father's rule is that there is to be no communication between the other superuniverses until they are all settled in Light and Life. Therefore, the flow of material would be stopped and I would be told to get out of there in an unceremonious tone, but thanks to Michael, he interceded with the Paradise authorities to ask that the Universal Censor stand aside while these transmissions were made for recording here. All of this was done by the gracious review given by Father to allow (perhaps) this one-time access. I do not know what is possible in the future for communications passed this point.

We need a few days yet to prepare the release, so please be patient. It will be released within the fortnight.

Thank you Ron Besser

Additional Information November 02, 2012

In writing the reviewing editor of the FLURRY for release this time, I was describing how pictures were being transferred to our receiver in Washington State. I mentioned that the word telekinesis was their (Salisar's) choice of words to describe it since the question arose that we here on Urantia only use the word to indicate moving or bending objects with the force of mind. However, the word more generally describes the movement of material objects with mind focal force anywhere, and that is truly how the Varen and the Honeidarians send pictures. Our receiver on Urantia obtains a transmission packet which the Honeidar call a "thought sled". The sled is a gray, slightly oblong, drop-like energy in which they place the details of photographs. They have learned to fill the sled with the photo data and then with amazing mind control, send the sled with mind pixels within a communication transmission. Since all minds work the same way even though some species like ourselves have no idea how to use mind this well, our receiver in Washington State has a mind connection to a transmission station on Salisar, and that beam carries the sled and the communication at the same time. Caro's mind can unpack the sled and receive the impressions that he can draw on paper. We have used two or three such sled translations in FLURRY No. 9. To you it will look like a pencil sketch someone made up, but these are true photos interpreted by the receiver's mind.

One more thing. The Honeidar people are trained in school to transmit mentally to each other and do not speak, or hardly at all [they are a modified order of non-breathers and have an earth-like atmosphere with less gas present]. They and the Varen are both familiar with the GRAPH method of thought transfer used on Paradise to teach and to communicate. The Varen transmitted to me that they can transfer 10 million data bits per millisecond to a receptive mind, and that they must utilize the graph method to program their giant space ships which probe intergalactic space. Such is the requirement for navigational control and precise maneuvering that a navigator requires 12 to 15 of our years to be prepared to sit in command of that portion of the ship. Their ship logs run from 15 to 30 million pages per triumphal journey and it is all brought back and studied in their classrooms for navigators and historians and social architects which abound on Salisar. This information is not in the FLURRY about to be released so it is a gift to us from Salisar and Honeidar right now for your edification.


On 11/5/2012 10:06 PM, after the document dated Oct. 31, 2012 was circulated Rob Davis wrote:

Hello Ron-

Thank you for sharing! This certainly takes communication to a new frontier for tml.

It will take a while to read this, but I trust there will be an opportunity to discuss the various components of the document later. The formatting alone is formidable, but I am glad to see the renewal of images being transmitted, something anonymous Teaching Mission participants in the past have withheld due to the fact that they were not the norm for their time.

This underscores the impression of science fiction that many have had of the Urantia text over the years. In any event, while I reserve serious comments until I have read this, on a purely material level, as I look forward to learning new words, this one may require a whole new genre for the lexicon.



Ron wrote: Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 9:39 PM


I seem to have intermittent communication with the authorities of the Honeidar and Salisar party that made these communications possible. I was first led to believe that because of the sensitive nature of the communications, I would be greatly restricted in accessing members of what we might call an expeditionary party of the Honeidarians and even of the Varen (of Salisar). However, I still seem to have intermittent access of a nature I do not understand as it is there and not there depending on whether what I am doing is worth observing or not. You certainly can smile about the situation, and I would find it a little disconcerting if I ever would remember that they can observe directly by avoiding the use of Adjusters, but going right through their thought transference systems which I cannot even begin to comprehend.

There is a great deal of humor in these people and great kindness too, but a transmitter would have to be attuned to their variable speed transmissions to catch it. I do not know how I do it so I can not tell you, but in the background of all of this technology and ability resides the Thought Adjuster (Father) and Michael of Nebadon (pulling strings), and the combination is extraordinary to experience in its ease of receipt. I hear as clearly as someone speaking on a telephone receiver and completely free of fading or loss of thought.

In the beginning the set up was to Washington State and I did not have a connection in mid October. It began with a reflective contact to Felix Caro in Everett, WA who began receiving thought pictures of unusual graphical quality and which he sat down and drew what he saw. He saw what he describes a video-like presentations that could stop and start probably at the behest of the Honeidar transmitter. Then a verbal message from a Solitary Messenger (Veremerton) who made the introductions. There is no explanation why this began and why particular people were targeted to receive the transmissions. I came into the picture as I kept a diary of the transmissions and pictures as Felix received them. All the while both of us were instructed to keep the pictures and the transmissions secret until they revealed the reasons for starting the communications from Honeidar.

Two interesting facts emerged. Felix was connected directly to Salisar (a distant neighbor to Honeidar), because there was situated a transmitting station built on the ground that could produce variable word transmissions. The Honeidar did not have that technology although the Honeidar could transmit without a station if they had to! So Felix received Veremerton and others through Salisar, and later when they needed me, I was directly encircuited with the Honeidar personality Rondar, who is a renown teacher and philosopher, and is to use our terminology, a tenured and respected Professor at a post-degree university on Honeidar. I do not quite know the nature of my connection to Rondar as it never seems to be permanent but yet never seems to go away - it is impossible to explain at all.

We have been privileged to make contact with a group of humans in Superuniverse Six that has the potential to change how we view other human life in the universe. I for one believe we have only scratched the surface of this relationship if the Deities permit it to flourish. If they do not, then we still have a glimpse of an enormous reason to believe that God makes plan for all of us that even links our destiny to others who have no imaginary purpose but to live their lives without ever knowing what lies before them, and who they become associated with, as the universe grows toward Light and Life. I feel sure Rondar and Ron never each had an idea the other COULD exist, but now that each of them knows they live only a thought away, the mystery of purpose just grows larger. That is not just true for Rongar and myself, but for everyone reading these Papers I have been privileged to abstract from the Thought Adjuster in me, and who watches every detail to see to it that I get it right most of the time.

Much more may be forthcoming and much depends on reaction of those who read the paper and who learn what is transpiring in deep space. Disinterest nearly killed the Urantia Book, but it has been saved from oblivion by the Teaching Mission and the Magisterial Mission. Even the Urantia Book will have its day in the sun very soon when they announce that the forthcoming second edition will be published in four parts to prevent the book from becoming too large to life by little arms to read closely.

Ask all you wish, but I am totally dependent on permissions from many sources that I can not guarantee I can answer either very few or none depending on their nature.


Rob wrote: Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 10:40 PM

Thank you Ron!

You and others may wish to read The Helianx Proposition Daynal Institute Press has recently produced as it deals in a "figurative" manner the journey of a race of highly evolved beings from SU2 to a familiar planet (:-) in SU7. In any event, I am glad to hear the committee for the Urantia text is mirroring my plan for its re-release.



Gerdean wrote: Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 10:49 PM

THIS is why we are being persecuted.

THIS is why our spiritual program has become the laughingstock of Urantia.

WHO could possibly take the Teaching Mission seriously.

HOW could they not believe we are all stark raving nuts.

Rob wrote: Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 10:56 PM

Wait until you read the unpublished volumes of "Return of the Rebel Angels". It makes this document read like Amos 'n Andy

Gerdean wrote: Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 11:36 PM

I will probably not be able to read them. I have Timothy's new book about the return of the rebel angels and I am having an impossible time getting into it. I am not amused. :-)

Gerdean wrote: Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 11:41 PM

The thing about Timothy, however, is that he was politic enough to not identify himself with the Teaching Mission. He stands on his own experience. Our transmissions were not used as a base upon which he could build himself a platform.

John F. Kimble wrote: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 1:59 AM

GREAT JOB RON!! I no longer stand confused and concerned about you. I now SEE and realize the TRUTH that: What One Is "Open" to - One CAN Receive." It's that simple. You see, I know ALL things are possible in God's "creative" Universe.

Your abilities prove this IS so. One just has to be "OPEN" to the possibilities and you that fairly well.

I understand now that if ALL the T/Rs out there would just be "OPEN" to ALL transmissions of Light coming in, like what we received from our brothers from SuperUniverse number 6, you would NOT be the only one receiving these transmissions. I get that now.

Being "OPEN TO RECEIVE" is key. It's that simple!

Keep up the good work Ron and leave the "discernment" up to the reader.

Good Job STuTe

Sent from my iPad

Joseph Pick wrote: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 6:59 AM

I feel like a super christian.....

Marty Greenhut wrote: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 11:38 AM

Dear Gerdean, All of the paradigm's in our understanding of reality are constantly being challenged. The world used to be a flat surface on which you could fall off the edge. The Sun used to orbit the earth. Woman was once made from a man's rib. Etc.

Now we are being prepared to meet our divine and celestial guardians who were heretofore unseen and we are being prepared to meet our ascending mortal brothers and sisters who are here in their ships. We are notified of our planetary destiny and our future in abundance, peace and the joy of Father's love.

People were excommunicated, jailed, thrown into pits, burned at the stake, tortured and ridiculed for pronouncing changes in the accepted paradigms of humanity.

You have the privilege to introduce new discoveries on the cutting edge of planetary revelation. Let those who scoff have their day. Here's a quote from Teacher Tomas on Lightline 11/1/12:

"..... you might also see the value of patience when it comes to those who are so fired up, energetic, adamant, and unyielding about what they feel...."

If Ron and Felix are on a fantasy trip of some kind, we will surely find out the truth, for truth is eternal and indestructible while fantasy and error simply disappear.

In Father's love, Marty

Jim Cleveland wrote: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 11:59 AM


The Teaching Mission has been under fire in the U.S. since it was announced in the U.S., in 1991 I believe. We have been 'nefarious channelers' ever since.

Ron comes along many years later, after years of near seclusion making his connection in PA. No doubt the MM adds fuel to the fire of critics since it is also the product of nefarious channeling and includes many of the same suspects. But our critics have always been here.

So be it, then. It is what it is.

I hate that any real interest in personal spiritual growth and making personal connections with teachers seems to have been sidetracked by interest in the coming phenomena.

Well, let it arrive. I've been reading threshold pronouncements from the ET and Galactic agencies for years and years now. Now I hear them from within our own ranks. My patience and credulity is wearing thin.

Let it be. But don't expect any patience from me on some curve ball change of plans based on our spiritual unreadiness, lack of good energy, or circuitry pollution or Father just mysteriously changed his mind stuff.

It's a finite world here. Let's get on with it.

Celestials have defaulted here as much as humans ever could. Let's have the Correcting Time head-on. There's no reasoning with the money-hoarding richies who have stopped the world cold while they pile up all the wealth. Send in the celestial cavalry; I'll gladly give up my agondonter status.

Rob Davis wrote: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 12:59 PM

Hello Gerdean-

I appreciate that you recognize the value of distinguishing between personal experience and an official representation of what we know as the Teaching Mission. It is an important distinction, but the ever present conundrum of "The Teaching Mission" is that it is a personal spiritual experience attested to by many individuals inhabiting a profoundly fragmented world.

I am grateful for the experience all the more.

Michelle Duchemin wrote: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:30 PM

Love. We should start from within our circle and love one another, even when we don't believe another's experience can be real. Whether it is real or not, we will soon know, so this isn't really an issue at all in the greater scheme of things.

To argue that some of it is real and some is not, before finding out, is divisive and splinters us into so many sub groups, rendering anything we do that much more ineffective. If we are a splintered group, and we are, THAT is what makes the difference in credibility to the outside world because WE are totally unable to do the one thing God wants us to do: Love one another! THAT is the neon sign blinking so brightly.

Imagine if Ron and Felix are correct and it's finally a reality coming? Imagine if Ron and Felix are mistaken and how much love they will need from us afterwards to heal from this mistake? I don't imagine God or Angels are ever behind ridicule, anger, and worries about "saving face" to the outside world at the expense of love for our brethren.

The truth is, ALL so-called "channeling" is thought of as ridiculous (mental illness) or evil (it's the devil lying to us), or simple fraud, to most of the outside world. In my own opinion, it is not really possible to convince most people that this sort of thing is real unless they themselves experience it. I don't believe Ron and Felix's posts can break anything because it's all already beyond mainstream religion, just like NDE, OBE, famous channelers, and the like. Trying to make people believe in this is futile.

So, then how to attract more followers? IMHO, it is as simple as living the lessons given about loving one another, and about teaching the way JESUS taught! It's about reaching out to break down walls between faiths, and not putting up walls within our own! It's a question about what you want the neon sign to be saying- what the outside world sees and WILL respond to: Love.

Love and peace, Michelle

Ginny wrote: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:47 PM

This world has to be fixed, no doubt about that. Can anyone imagine the complexity of this task? Can anyone come up with another scheme? It's not a simple task,. Multitudes of beings would have to be involved. Why not this one? I suspect that no matter whose scheme comes up, there will be naysayers. Our insight is so limited that any plan to bring this planet to Light and life will be suspect. We simply cannot comprehend the reasons behind all these plans. This one seems to be very well explained and I trust those whose wisdom and knowledge can bring us through......hopefully..........Ginny

Oliver Deux wrote: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 3:46 PM

Dear Ones:

Why should one consider if the words of another are correct, when we have been gifted with ready-to-go access to the Spirit of Truth, just for the wanting to make contact, just for sitting still and saying, 'Hey, Creator Brother, I want to know you... and this and that...'

What is beyond my paygrade is not for me to know now in this electro-chemical body. I have eternity to find out how everything works. Write now I am here to practice to love each on my path, and that is so much more important and difficult than producing and reading spi-fi.

I have already transmitted with one dear brother, before he was diagnosed with the complex mental disfunction of bipolar disorder, with distinct phases of hypomenia and debilitating depression. We never published his gigantically imaginative spi-fi, and it was superb reading, and contained amazing stories for genre screenwriters. His ability to create names and groups and orders and places was sheer unlimited

So, if it is beyond my paygrade, a guy who still introduces The Urantia Book as sci-fi to people who get off on imaginary people and worlds and universes, I first check with my truth center within.

But today, a little help came my way from our brother in Australia, and I am inclined to say, it brought me right on the track that I know I should be on. I know this because I listen to what my truth center acknowledges as truth for me. And it is entirely possible, and makes total sense, since each of us is at a different level of spiritual development, that the verified truth that we can recognize differs somewhat for each of us.

Here now, siblings, may I present Sharmon and George. I thank both of them!!! Oliver

Illawarra District, Australia, October 13, 2012. Midwayer Messenger Sharmon (MNO-6). Subject: “Revelation, Prophesy and Gross Error” (part transmit only).

Received by George Barnard.

George: “Might we ever progress to be sharp enough to detect your perfume, I wonder. I guess you have a message relating to what so many of us feel. Fire away, I invite you.”

Sharmon: “Likely you will perceive my contagious charm before my excellent perfume, my dear friend, for we are one at heart, and in mind and motivation, and all that is set to produce progress is a ‘never-to-forget news item’ to us both. This is your friend for all eternity, Sharmon, the sixth offspring of the MNO family, greeting all those present, and all who will receive these words from me and my clan. Let it not be said that we are either unaware of the goings on on Urantia, or fail to note your needs for occasional clarification.

“There has been a great deal of chatter about revelation in months gone past, leaving many with the thoughts that the local universe Creator has thrown up his arms in despair and greater minds must now resolve an impasse of Urantia going to wreck and ruin. However, a great future awaits both, the planet, and its time-space (evolutionary) deity, Gaia, whom we all serve. It is needless for you to consider that our esteemed Creator and Employer, Michael, and our Planetary Prince and Instructor, Machiventa, be at a loss to push forward.

“You humans, our tender-hearted little puppies, are hardly designed to be inundated with revelation of the kind – not any kind – that will throw you off of a psychological-intellectual cliff, as happened of late. We do not ever ‘bathe you in news’ of massive changes, calamities, and certainly not of new rules that are one-off, first-up digressions in universe routine. It hasn’t, doesn’t, and will not happen in the way portrayed by some, and there is no way in which the universe can here be forced to act in response to calculated, devious human design.

“You are human, hardly yet experts at living suitably balanced time-space lives in which you can adequately cope with terrestrial routine and its changes without becoming a menace to yourselves and myriad others. Your history is one of blatant examples of careless experimenting with anything that flouts the obvious will of the Father Creator. And besides, what allows you to conclude that you be allowed details of such far-reaching revelation, when Midwayers and Angels are left in the dark and must progress by faith alone?

“When it comes to revelation, you are allocated a mere ‘grain of reality’ at any time. When it comes to prophesy expect a morsel of truth to be contained therein, and when it comes to endless banter of a changing of the Celestial Guard, expect gross error. I am Sharmon, a humble midwayer messenger.”

George: “Your puppies thank you.” © The 11:11 Progress Group. Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA. Please visit: