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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 77:2.1 While this is the narrative of the origin, nature, and function of the ''[[Midwayers...'

77:2.1 While this is the [[narrative]] of the [[origin]], [[nature]], and [[function]] of the ''[[Midwayers|midway creatures]]'' of [[Urantia]], the kinship between the two [[orders]]—[ primary] and [ secondary]—makes it [[necessary]] to interrupt the [[story]] of the [ primary midwayers] at this point in order to follow out the line of [[descent]] from the rebel members of the [ corporeal staff] of Prince [[Caligastia]] from the days of the [[planetary rebellion]] to the times of [[Adam]]. It was this line of [[inheritance]] which, in the early days of the [ second garden], furnished one half of the [[ancestry]] for the [ secondary order] of ''midway creatures''.

77:2.2 The [[physical]] members of the [ Prince's staff] had been [[constituted]] [[sex]] [[creatures]] for the [[purpose]] of [[participating]] in the [[plan]] of [[procreating]] [[offspring]] embodying the combined [[qualities]] of their special order united with those of the selected stock of the [ Andon tribes], and all of this was in [[anticipation]] of the subsequent [[appearance]] of [[Adam]]. The [[Life Carriers]] had planned a new [[type]] of [[mortal]] embracing the [[union]] of the conjoint [[offspring]] of the [ Prince's staff] with the first-[[generation]] [[offspring]] of [[Adam and Eve]]. They had thus [[projected]] a [[plan]] envisioning a new order of [[planetary]] [[creatures]] whom they hoped would become the [ teacher-rulers] of [[human]] [[society]]. Such [[beings]] were [[designed]] for [[social]] [[sovereignty]], not [[civil]] sovereignty. But since this project almost completely miscarried, we shall never know what an [[aristocracy]] of benign [[leadership]] and matchless [[culture]] [[Urantia]] was thus deprived of. For when the [ corporeal staff] later reproduced, it was subsequent to [[the rebellion]] and after they had been deprived of their [[connection]] with the life currents of [[the system]].

77:2.3 The postrebellion era on [[Urantia]] [[witnessed]] many [[unusual]] happenings. A great [[civilization]]—the [[culture]] of [[Dalamatia]]—was going to pieces. "The [ Nephilim] ([[Nodites]]) were on [[earth]] in those days, and when these sons of the gods went in to the daughters of men and they bore to them, their [[children]] were the `mighty men of old,' the `men of renown.' "[] While hardly "sons of the gods," [ the staff] and their early descendants were so regarded by the [ evolutionary mortals] of those distant days; [,#highlight even their stature] came to be [[magnified]] by [[tradition]]. This, then, is the [[origin]] of the well-nigh [[universal]] [ folk tale] of the [[gods]] who came down to [[earth]] and there with the daughters of men begot an [[ancient]] [[race]] of [[heroes]]. And all this [[legend]] became further [[confused]] with the race mixtures of the later appearing Adamites in the [ second garden].

77:2.4 Since the [ one hundred corporeal members] of [[the Prince]]'s staff carried [[germ plasm]] of the [ Andonic human strains], it would [[naturally]] be [[expected]] that, if they [[engaged]] in [[sexual]] [[reproduction]], their [[progeny]] would altogether resemble the [[offspring]] of other [ Andonite] [[parents]]. But when the sixty rebels of the staff, the followers of [[Nod]], actually engaged in [[sexual]] [[reproduction]], their [[children]] proved to be far superior in almost every way to both the [ Andonite] and the [ Sangik peoples]. This unexpected excellence characterized not only [[physical]] and [[intellectual]] qualities but also [[spiritual]] capacities.

77:2.5 These [[mutant]] traits appearing in the first [[Nodite]] [[generation]] resulted from certain [[changes]] which had been wrought in the [[configuration]] and in the [[chemical]] constituents of the [[inheritance]] [[factors]] of the [ Andonic] [[germ plasm]]. These [[changes]] were caused by the [[presence]] in the [[bodies]] of the staff members of the powerful life-[[maintenance]] [[circuits]] of the [[Satania]] system. These life [[circuits]] caused the [ chromosomes] of the specialized [[Urantia]] [[pattern]] to reorganize more after the patterns of the standardized [[Satania]] specialization of the [[ordained]] [[Nebadon]] life [[manifestation]]. The [[technique]] of this [[germ plasm]] [[metamorphosis]] by the [[action]] of [[the system]] life currents is not unlike those [[procedures]] whereby [[Urantia]] [[scientists]] [[modify]] the [[germ plasm]] of [[plants]] and [[animals]] by the use of [[X rays]].

77:2.6 Thus did the [[Nodite]] peoples arise out of certain peculiar and unexpected [[modifications]] occurring in the [[life plasm]] which had been transferred from the [[bodies]] of the [ Andonite] contributors to those of the [ corporeal staff] members by the Avalon surgeons.

77:2.7 It will be recalled that the [ one hundred Andonite (66:4.14)]] [[germ plasm]] contributors were in turn made possessors of the [[organic]] [[complement]] of the [[tree of life]] so that the [[Satania]] life currents likewise invested their [[bodies]]. The forty-four modified [ Andonites] who followed the staff into [[rebellion]] also [[mated]] among themselves and made a great [[contribution]] to the better strains of the [[Nodite]] people.

77:2.8 These two [[groups]], embracing 104 individuals who carried the [[modified]] [ Andonite] [[germ plasm]], constitute the [[ancestry]] of the [[Nodites]], the eighth race to [[appear]] on [[Urantia]]. And this new feature of [[human]] life on [[Urantia]] [[represents]] another [[phase]] of the outworking of the [[original]] [[plan]] of utilizing this [[planet]] as a [ life-modification world], except that this was one of the unforeseen [[developments]].

77:2.9 The [[pure]]-line [[Nodites]] were a [[magnificent]] [[race]], but they [[gradually]] mingled with the [ evolutionary peoples] of [[earth]], and before long great [[deterioration]] had occurred. Ten thousand years after [[the rebellion]] they had lost ground to the point where their [[average]] length of life was little more than that of the [[evolutionary races]].

77:2.10 When [[archaeologists]] dig up the [ clay-tablet] [[records]] of the later-day [ Sumerian] descendants of the [[Nodites]], they [[discover]] lists of [ Sumerian kings] running back for several thousand years; and as these [[records]] go further back, the reigns of the [[individual]] [[kings]] lengthen from around twenty-five or thirty years up to one hundred and fifty years and more. This lengthening of the reigns of these older kings signifies that some of the early [[Nodite]] rulers (immediate descendants of [[the Prince]]'s [ staff]) did live longer than their later-day successors and also indicates an effort to stretch the [ dynasties] back to [[Dalamatia]].

77:2.11 The [[records]] of such long-lived [[individuals]] are also due to the [[confusion]] of months and years as time periods. This may also be [[observed]] in the [ Biblical genealogy of Abraham] and in the [ early records of the Chinese]. The [[confusion]] of the twenty-eight-day month, or season, with the later introduced year of more than three hundred and fifty days is [[responsible]] for the [[traditions]] of such long [[human]] lives. There are records of a man who lived over nine hundred " years. " This period represents not quite seventy years, and such lives were regarded for ages as very long, " threescore years and ten " as such a life span was later designated.

77:2.12 The reckoning of [[time]] by the twenty-eight-day month [[persisted]] long after the days of [[Adam]]. But when the [ Egyptians undertook to reform the calendar], about seven thousand years ago, they did it with great accuracy, introducing the year of 365 days.

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[[Category:Paper 78 - The Violet Race After the Days of Adam]]