
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 43:2.1 The constellations are the autonomous units of a local universe, each constellation ...'

43:2.1 The [[constellations]] are the [[autonomous]] [[units]] of a [[local universe]], each constellation being administered according to its own [[legislative]] enactments. When the [[courts]] of [[Nebadon]] sit in [[judgment]] on [[universe]] affairs, all internal matters are [[adjudicated]] in [[accordance]] with the [[laws]] prevailing in the [[constellation]] concerned. These [[judicial]] [[decrees]] of [[Salvington]], [[together]] with the [[legislative]] enactments of the constellations, are [[executed]] by the [[administrators]] of the [[local systems]].

43:2.2 [[Constellations]] thus [[function]] as the [[legislative]] or lawmaking [[units]], while the [[local systems]] serve as the [[executive]] or enforcement [[units]]. The [[Salvington]] [[government]] is the [[supreme]] [[judicial]] and [[co-ordinating]] [[authority]].

43:2.3 While the [[supreme]] [[judicial]] [[function]] rests with the central [[administration]] of a [[local universe]], there are two subsidiary but major [[tribunals]] at the [[headquarters]] of each [[constellation]], the [[Melchizedek]] [[council]] and the [[court]] of the [[Most High]].

43:2.4 All [[judicial]] [[problems]] are first reviewed by the [[council]] of the [[Melchizedeks]]. Twelve of this order who have had certain requisite [[experience]] on the [[evolutionary planets]] and on the [ system headquarters worlds] are empowered to review [[evidence]], digest pleas, and [[formulate]] provisional [[verdicts]], which are passed on to the [[court]] of the [[Most High]], the reigning Constellation Father. The [[mortal]] [[division]] of this latter [[tribunal]] consists of [[seven]] [[judges]], all of whom are [[ascendant mortals]]. The higher you [[ascend]] in the [[universe]], the more certain you are to be judged by those of your own kind.

43:2.5 The [[constellation]] [[legislative]] [[body]] is divided into [[three]] [[groups]]. The [[legislative]] program of a [[constellation]] [[originates]] in the lower house of ascenders, a [[group]] presided over by a [[finaliter]] and consisting of one thousand [[representative]] [[mortals]]. Each system nominates ten members to sit in this deliberative assembly. On [[Edentia]] this [[body]] is not fully recruited at the present time.

43:2.6 The mid-chamber of [[legislators]] is composed of the [[seraphic hosts]] and their [[associates]], other [[children]] of the [[local universe]] [[Mother Spirit]]. This [[group]] numbers one hundred and is nominated by the supervising [[personalities]] who preside over the various [[activities]] of such [[beings]] as they [[function]] within the [[constellation]].

43:2.7 The advisory or highest [[body]] of [[constellation]] legislators consists of the house of [[peers]] - the house of the [[divine Sons]]. This corps is chosen by the [[Most High Fathers]] and numbers ten. Only Sons of special [[experience]] may serve in this upper house. This is the [[fact]]-finding and timesaving [[group]] which very [[effectively]] serves both of the lower divisions of the [[legislative]] assembly.

43:2.8 The combined [[council]] of [[legislators]] consists of [[three]] members from each of these separate branches of the [[constellation]] deliberative assembly and is presided over by the reigning junior [[Most High]]. This [[group]] sanctions the final [[form]] of all enactments and [[authorizes]] their promulgation by the broadcasters. The approval of this [[supreme]] commission renders legislative enactments the [[law]] of the realm; their [[acts]] are final. The [[legislative]] pronouncements of [[Edentia]] [[constitute]] the [[fundamental]] [[law]] of all [[Norlatiadek]].

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