2002-06-23-Chemical Warfare

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Topic: Chemical Warfare

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Elyon, Orion

TR: Jonathan



Elyon (Jonathan TR): Greetings, friends, I open this meeting. This is Elyon. It is good to have all of you in company today, and there are interesting folk with me, as well. Perhaps I may contribute an offering to your discussion.


Sharing, Growth

There is what you know as an activity called transference wherein you take on the actions, thoughts, and feelings of another. This ability contributes to growth. When you surround yourself with souls who emulate the goodness of spiritual life, new habits are adopted and become your own. As you share each week, the way you do, you create an atmosphere of transference; you give to one another in many ways, ways deeper than merely hearing each other comment.

The years you have spent with us in this training school have also transferred into your minds more of the qualities of morontia existence. We are humored when we observe you comparing your actions to us and acknowledging our presence during your moments of levity. Your curiosity about our behavior, our reactions, indicates your comfort associating with personalities whom you are unable to detect through your sense organs.

Though the ability to adopt mannerisms of another has some physiological roots and psychology origins as well, it is also inherent in the core of personality. If personality is to ascend throughout the scale of universe life, if a mortal creature personality is to stand at one time on Paradise and behold the original Person, then must personality be able to adapt. Since the universe is a university and greatly populated by students of all forms, you will never be able to ascend without passing by and into the lives of countless individuals.

Throughout your ascent you will receive and give behaviors, reflexes, attitudes, reactions, to one another. Each time this occurs the individual has the opportunity to accept or reject such transferences, to modify or improve them for better adaptation to one's own circumstances. This phenomenon is as healthy as an open gene pool is to physical evolution. Where inbreeding weakens genetic stock, inbred mannerisms weaken spiritual unfoldment. It is vital to the creature's well-being to expand and to be exposed to many personalities with many origins and cultural differences. You will discover new abilities to work with reality by adopting another's learned reactions, and you will learn how strikingly similar all personalities are. That commonality, over time, becomes an eternal bond.

Physically and mentally risks are associated with the exchange one to another, spreading of disease, the learning of bad habits. However, in the spiritual realm there are no toxins. You are all vaccinated with the Father's presence and the Son's spirit, and you are able to choose, to sort, what is shared between one another for your benefit. This is not to mean, however, that you will be free of dilemma, for you must discern spiritual transference clearly from any other form of transference. The ultimate goal of every ascending creature is to eventually replicate in oneself all that is possible of repeating that is resident in the Father personality.

Across the universe every creature as the ages unfold will exchange with others, and you will note increasingly how more common we each are becoming. This commonality is not the uniformity of exactness, for our uniqueness will remain eternal. This commonality will be the replication and reflection of the divine as it is found in each one of us. Because God is infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, we have much work ahead of us if we are to reflect these qualities in ourselves.

These are my words; I remain in your presence.


Evelyn: All of us who have experienced your presence among us have consciously or otherwise transferred your habits that you exemplify. You have always been so positive and supportive and encouraging. Those are qualities that are common, I'm sure, throughout the universe, something that we will carry with us forever, an ever increasing kindness pouring out.

Elyon: I receive your compliments. I am happy that, not only do you hear and read the words of my lessons, but that you do gain from my presence.

George: It's good to be here with you again.

Elyon: Do you have a comment or a question for me today?

George: I would like to know if Orion is there [and] available to us? I have a question for Orion specifically, if I may.

Orion: I am Orion.

George: Greetings, Orion. It's good to feel your presence once again.

Orion: I am curious what you are inquiring about.

Interdependence, Evolution

George: There have been many tweaks on the accidental transference of chemicals from one part of the world to another, of bacterial agents. I am writing an article on it. I see it as accidental bacterial warfare. There have been tweaks from midwayers where this may be occurring. Could you add to the information that is being gathered on chemicals and bacteria endemic to areas of this world doing harm in other places?

Orion: I find your question superb, for it would sit in good contrast to the lesson of Elyon this morning, for while spiritually intermingling of souls is beneficial, I as a Life Carrier and many of my kind must concern ourselves with the proper development of life upon a world and are concerned with the potential disruption of life forms by the invasions of another form of life, or by the dilution of traits through overmuch crossbreeding. However, the goal that each Life Carrier holds is to finish a world project of life development with healthy, robust creatures of all sorts, capable of millions of years of sustained living and cohabitation. Much of the life we foster throughout a world's development ceases to exist, are merely stepping stones to the creatures that will be in Light and Life. Each world exhibits a different pattern of creatures that succeed in reaching that stage.

Today Urantia is at a perilous point, for no longer are the biological constraints, physiological constraints of large oceans and isolated groups, tempering the eventual intermingling. Without the spiritual headquarters functioning as it would have on this world, mankind is yet still uneducated as to the impact of actions made wherein certain substances are taken from one part of the world to another. The past few centuries have revealed to human beings some of the dangers and impacts of unthinking actions.

The world, however, is small. The nature of physical life is to spread. Eventually throughout the world substances and creatures will be found every place. Transitional forms, in order for there to be health and well-being, will eventually fade. In the meantime through carelessness some destruction could appear on this world that would be detrimental to stocks that are favorable for attaining Light and Life permanency. Therefore I ask you all to be judicious, to be cautious, and to exercise wisdom, for this life you see upon this world is the project of us Life Carriers. You are part of it. You do not rule it, and even we have backed away from ruling life on this world.

I hope this has been helpful for your project.

George: Greatly so. Thank you very much.

Ginny: Are you talking about Warfare biological warfare or are you talking about scientific experimentation, Orion?

George: I was talking about accidental "biological warfare".

Orion: I speak of both. You have in your text a comment made that ideas without ideals can be dangerous, and this is one of the motivations of the teaching corps that has come to help us on this world, to instill ideals, for this is an age when mankind is generating many ideas while being more mechanically capable than centuries past to enact those ideas. This is the age wherein ideals must overlay the actions of all if the world is to progress and not injure itself in the process.


Ginny: The song this morning mentioned that we are on the brink of wisdom, not the brink of disaster, but the brink of wisdom.

Elyon: Indeed you are. There are a great many people from worlds about you who are anxious, positively excited, waiting for future developments upon this world. Rarely is there the opportunity as exists here to demonstrate the triumph of righteousness, the inevitable unfoldment of goodness even without ordered guidance. Though the Master Son is diligent throughout his universe in establishing training centers, headquarters, and schools using his many ministering spirits, Urantia testifies to the inherent qualities of God resident within human creatures that you can, even without the experts, discover what is true and what is beautiful. Your course has not been easy but it is remarkable.

Tom: When you mention the wisdom of worlds around us, is that accessible by petition or are they forthcoming without our petition?

Elyon: The wisdom?

Tom: Yes.

Elyon: Wisdom is a quality of being that cannot be bestowed; you must develop it. But the presence of many beings with you makes you able to share in such a way that you will acquire wisdom in the process. And that is why I am here to guide you in understanding.

Ginny: Do you also guide people who are making the bombs and working with test tubes?

Elyon: I myself am not. I have enough with you all. But every individual is a concern not only for their spiritual welfare but for the progress of the planet. Those who are in positions that would have great impact positively or negatively are looked over. But I must remind you of the sovereignty of free will and our powerlessness to ever change another's choice. I can assure you that all stand pledged to pursue what is good and to work to help any personality comprehend that goodness and act accordingly.

Ginny: I had a recent experience with wondering whether I needed a certain medical treatment. I petitioned whatever spirit beings with me that if I didn't need it, that I wouldn't have it. It turned out I didn't have the test. In my estimation the radiologist decided to take an extra picture and discovered I didn't need surgery. Is that a coarse example of the radiologist being influenced by another presence to double check?

Elyon: Yes, it exemplifies how this could transpire. It also indicates the quality of that doctor to apply discipline in investigation such that a spirit's influence would be more naturally responded to because that doctor has developed an instinctual sense of procedure. Then the reminder is more easily received, for it is not foreign to the mind of the receiver. There were no voices, no visions. There was that subtle nudge, and this individual reacted because this individual was well trained. The result was the communication.

Ginny: Lucky for me. Thank you. I want to express my gratitude to all of you working overtime, I'm sure, to help our planet right itself and to help us be more aware of our spiritual connections.

Elyon: Thank you for your recognition and for your allegiance and for your actions, as well.