2007-03-12-Abraham & Mary

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Topic: Unity in Faith, Diversity in Belief

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teachers: Abraham & Mary

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Here we are again as empty vessels, ready to receive. I am inspired by your faithfulness.


It is becoming somewhat of a difficult task to live your truth and have to sometimes explain it. Sometimes it seems that you have simply fell into this lot of life. Some of that is true, but most of it is guidance that was followed, a call that was heeded. From the moment you made a spiritual commitment there has been training for further advancement. When you wavered in your commitment, of course things were slowed down. It is not to worry. Grow as you will. Father is extremely patient and He wants for your comfort. He desires your lessons to be lasting and as always, a light to Paradise.

Every day I see you join in the world and your fear is decreased. I am happy to see you live honestly. Our ways of spirituality may be different and tests us from time to time when needing to explain to others. How we believe is not as important as we should live what we believe. The how is personal. It is not to be shared lightly. Just as in Jesus’ day, He focused not on Himself personally, but the Father’s teachings of truth, beauty and goodness. Whom do we serve and how are we free to live what we believe?

I am MARY. Greetings to you again, friends. I can relate with this evening’s lesson quite well. As most mortals, I had gone through a period where I was deeply concerned over other’s opinions. I was practically shaped into what I believed others thought of me. I was careful to hide my poverty. My sandals were well worn, so I had always made sure my fabric of my dress was extra long. I found it difficult to make eye contact with others who seemed to be better than I. Of course this is spiritually juvenile, but something everyone will experience.

I believe spiritual thinking first pulled me toward freedom. Freedom from the classes of society and the burden I held of what I thought others were seeing me as. Countless hours with the Master had me feeling my cosmic citizenship. After this material body fades, we will all see that each being is a child of God.

The Master dwelt more on function than fashion. He worried not about other’s opinions because He was freed by the love and acceptance of our Father. The Master knew well what others were thinking and yet, His vision was always higher, always positive. In His heart He simply wanted to help. He wanted to stay the course. He was on a mission and it was not about Him, but about teaching cosmic citizenship and making each person feel welcome into the Kingdom.

Sometimes today I still am with the temptation to compare myself with others. I want to be with the belief that I am on track. Time with mentors and friends help me to be with the comfort that all is as it should be. And I am not in a competition, but in service to a world that needs correction in order to find salvation. I am so honored to be a part of that and know that the best is yet to come.

If you could picture for a moment, beings upon beings gathered around the Sea of Glass, all abuzz over some upcoming announcement, some speaker or even Michael himself. It is an unforgettable energy. We are all as one and the feeling of fulfillment is truly complete. As you go about your daily living, go with that picture and know that each person you see is your cosmic brother or sister. They are at one with you in the Kingdom, even though their beliefs may be different from yours.

You need not defend your beliefs nor explain them. You don’t have to. That is personal. Simply strive to arrange for positivity. We are about the realness of spirituality and we are to feel that confidence that Michael goes before us. We know in whom we serve. That needs not explanation to anyone. We spread light where we can and strive to live happily. A great deal of the time we are in confusion over the technicalities of our belief system. Father does not want this for us. He desires your inner peace.


This week make time to have meditation and the visualization of occupying a seat at the Sea of Glass. Let us review our duties as a cosmic citizen. Life is as big as you make it. Be careful not to overdo. That is all. You are with such patience and for that I am grateful. From Abraham and myself, we send you with our love. Until next time, shalom.