2009-04-05-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My beloved children, this is your Father Michael. When you arise each day, focus on your Spirit Within for a few moments and give thanks that you are ready to live another day; that you have many opportunities during the day to be of help to your brothers and sisters. There are many ways you can show them love: a simple smile, a helpful hand with a chore, compassionate listening, and volunteering your time and efforts to social causes. The opportunities for you to share your love are boundless…how you share love is your choice.

As you shift your consciousness toward listening to your divine Inner Voice, you will notice that you become less self-centered and more attentive to the needs of others. This discloses a great degree of growth; moving from the needs of the self to becoming more service-oriented, where you find more freedom in the Spirit. This liberated state of mind will provide you with more joy and acceptance of life and help you face your daily existence with hope and faith. This attitude keeps the flow of spiritual energy moving through you and affords you the grace of God to establish a deeper sense of belonging and to us as your Divine Parents.

Learn to trust in the goodness of unselfishness when it is motivated by mercy and compassion. Lifting your heart in gratitude opens the path for LOVE to shine upon your heart to help you share this with others. Life becomes more graceful and grace filled by simply carrying this love around you as you go about your day. Others will sense this, and you will naturally be drawn to sharing your love in the small or large ways that intuitively feel right to you.