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Topic: Presence and Practice

Group: At Large


Teacher: Monmacion

TR: Tiahuan



Hello my friends! This again is Monmacion. I am happy to be with you.


Connectivity, Mind, Circuitry

If you could see what transpires when you gather as you do, you would be amazed. For you would see the connectivity of your mind infused by these filaments of light that are the circuits of spirit interwoven within the fabric of your mind, and as you center yourselves, as you enter the stillness with the intent to be with our Creator, these filaments of spirit woven throughout your mind become very, very bright, infusing your mind with this light in greater degrees of illumination. It is from this light that your thought eventually ensues for your thought is a product of this light reverberating in your mind as it reflects upon the illumination of your life circumstance.

You know well how filled with your experience your conscious mind is; each day you are focused upon the moment’s experience built as it is upon other experience that has been gathered in, processed, assimilated, incorporated, and digested fully, but this light opens your mind to greater depths of discovery of your experience whether it is your past experience, your present experience, and indeed, your future experience, at least as you understand these different modes of a temporal nature, for all of these are composed within the same moment. All of these are present in this eternal moment.

Service, Challenge

So my friends, I am glad to hear that your service functions, the opportunities to engage with your fellows are becoming more productive and obviously influenced by these infusions of light. You can count on yourselves becoming more real, and as you become more real, you become more effective because you are not distracted by what is less than called for, you can discern the need in any moment, in any circumstance where spirit, the spirit of our Father, is guiding you and your fellows through the adventures of time.

You may find yourselves amiss, cast athwart this stream of intelligence. Perhaps you feel at times you cannot fathom how to pass, how to proceed. It is in these moments when you encounter such difficulty that your greatest opportunities are then presented to you. I know that at times it can be anguishing, a source of consternation, discouragement perhaps. In these moments particularly, the spirit of our Father is laboring valiantly along with you. If you allow yourself, you will be able to seize the moment for all its potential for soul growth, yourselves and others.


Remain focused upon the fact that each of these moments is a gift to you to craft not only the soul of your own making, of your own existence, but in this moment in this world, it is the soul of Supremacy evolving in and through these trying times of Correction in which the birth of a whole new world experience is upon you, and you are acting as agents, if you will, in this process of delivery; midwives you could envision yourselves. There are many metaphors you could use, but all alike point to the rare opportunities given to you upon this sphere of your mortal nativity.


My friends, I know you work late at this practice, and so I will not keep you longer, but I would encourage you to think of questions you might pose that we might explore together, and, if you are so inclined, I will ask you some questions, for I too would probe your own minds and spirits with you and thereby join forces in this endeavor to expand the domain of the Supreme. So let us be on our way, but let’s give some thought to the questions that arise in our minds, and invite your spirits and the spirit circuitries that pervade our cosmic home to exercise us in working as a team, enjoining our minds as one exploring the frontiers of spirit unfolding upon Urantia.

Good night my friends.

Students - Good night and thank you!