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Topic: Healing in the Physical and Spiritual

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Charles, Jonathan

TR: Mark Rogers



Question: The Urantia Book states that the government on of a neighboring planet incarcerates criminals before they commit crimes. Reflecting on the current violence in our society, is it possible there is a genetic DNA marker to foretell certain behavior? I have heard it is prevalent in our current prison populations. Should we be investigating this instead of asking "why the violence" each time it happens? Our text states if you take guns away from men they will still fight with sticks and stones. Is there a Caligastia DNA anomaly embedded in our genes?

Question: Certain crystals have certain energy powers and fields and effects on the healing of certain individuals and if that is so, couldn't it be possible that we could through sheer creation of our creative will, form certain crystals so that we could have the same effect? The generating of certain fields of energy based upon the individual creators choosing to condition the environment through the creation of tools. Can we create an energy field that is analogous to the effect that these crystals have?

Charles: Thank you, I feel the welcome in fact and I appreciate it. In relationship to the two threads of thought that are on the table for discussion, my contribution would be that they are very similar in scope of questioning because these two threads of observation both are attempting to examine the distinction, the line between the physical world and its effects and causes and as well you are attempting to define and observe when things go off the scale of the material and enter the spiritual realm and what the effects are and what the causes are there because you are able to do both and this is the thrill of your existence in this lifetime. You have a foot in both dimensions if you so choose.

And, as a mortal being with a spiritual component you are able to both take physical steps using material tools to accomplish specific tasks that you know these tools are useful in performing. This is simple mortal logic and is good and reasonable. You know what steps need to be taken to remedy material circumstances and the tools are at hand to do that and so you wield these tools and you change the circumstance of your environment.

For this you may choose any number of resources, medication, crystals, herbs, light, tone, any number of channels may be used to interject change into this mortal reality that you are well aware of. As well, you have a spiritual component in which you may utilize the tools of spirit to create or recreate any mode of spiritual expression you may choose. This mode of your choosing is as adding a lens to the beam of light and causing it to be altered by your choosing of the lens. Just as you might choose physical means to accomplish physical ends, you are learning as well to use spiritual means to accomplish spiritual ends and they, while residing in different dimensions, function under the same principles.

This as I said, is what is so thrilling about the mortal experience. You can have jurisdiction over both of these components of yourself and you can choose to bring in the tools to change the environment at will and impose a new tone, a new focus, a new color upon the equation. So in the strictest sense, the answer to all of your questions is yes, you may do as you like. Yes, you are capable, yes it is possible, yes you are created to manifest its reality.

Thank you for the opportunity to share with you this evening my thoughts. [Thank you Charles.]

Jonathan: Greetings to this group, I am Jonathan dropping in just to say hello. I have no great philosophical contribution to make, I only wish to come and embrace you in this format that we have created. I cherish the knowledge that I am welcome in this arena you have created and so I come to bring my energy and share it with yours. I simply enjoy being in the citadel of spirit with you.

Mark: Thank you Jonathan, I cherish time spent with you as well.

Comment: I was just thinking that the examination of DNA to look for clues as to chromosomal anomalies and looking to heal people with crystals, that those are material investigations. Just as stated in morontia mota, where you get the highest of mortal premises superimposed on by the lowest of the morontia plane, that would be more of a spiritual upgrade. My question for the teachers is the confirmation or counterpart of a spiritual fulcrum that can be added to these material problems that we have. We have the benefit of being mortal and spirit. What do the teachers have to say about the spiritual chemistry that can be applied these particular situations if you will, these violent tendencies we seem to have inherited through no fault of our own. I'm led to understand that the Caligastia default was rife with DNA tampering and resulting in certain bellicose natures that were added to our already bellicose natures. We're talking about healing two different situations, a mental predisposition to violence and then the violence the people generate through their inattention to the needs of the human body. I would assume there would be some new potential but we're still stuck on the ground here.

Charles: I am Charles returning to field the serve made with your questioning. I reflect that it is back to the beginning of our conversation. The observation is made that there are different ways to work on say, the topic of health and healing. But there are different components to it, that there is a very physical component to health and healing; one must stop the bleeding. There is the physical component that needs to be strictly observed in order to provide for the health and healing. One must follow protocol that makes for a healthy environment for the vehicle so that it may thrive and serve. And this whole aspect of the being is observed and performed in the mental aspect of your life. The practice of medicine is an ongoing concern because you are an ongoing concern and you have constant shifts in your needs, in your demands and in your focus as is necessary in the material plane. And so you are called to do what is demanded of you in the physical arena to simply sustain and promote the favorable environment conducive to your vehicle.

Next to all this focus of your attention is the spiritual component you are referring to and your concern is of a certain leverage that may be applied with the application of this spiritual component and I would endorse your observation of this truth. However, your consideration of direct translation or of any translation between spiritual effects and physical effects may be where the disconnect may happen. Your predisposition to observe cause and effect strictly with your senses as being well defined and determined is not applicable in the spirit dimension. Things are measured differently and calibrated differently between the two dimensions but nevertheless, there is an interplay and there is a definite positive expansion when as a dual being of mortal and spiritual stature you choose to combine your nature.

This is a sacred combination and it does bring great power when chosen. So make no mistake, that while there are certain physical demands that one must do, there are also spiritual opportunities that one might do which may be combined and will certainly enhance the entire equation. But, I submit that you all know this truth deep in your being anyway, nevertheless, it is always good to discuss these issues and attempt some definition and some perspective.


Thank you all for the lively discussion this evening. I now take my leave, farewell. [Thank you.]