2013-05-08-Humility and Growth

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Topic: Humility and Growth

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Oscar



Thought Adjuster: “The most important attribute to consider when determining the spiritual level of an individual is the degree in which his or her personal will has been aligned to the will of the Father. This is how spiritual greatness is determined, something that rarely has anything to do with what human beings consider great or worthy of admiration.

“True humility arises when a creature recognizes her dependency on divine love and accepts her partiality in contrast to the totality of the Father. To be truly humble it is to become a student, and avid observer who strives to overcome their limitations and enhance their vision of reality. Sincere humility is far more effective for the elevation of a human life than is the exaltation of the material ego. Humility is not the negation of individuality, an ostentatious humiliation, or the suppression or your talents. Authentic humility is the sincere expression of a human being when she realizes her position in the great plan of the Father and has put her sights in the most ambitious goal of existence – to be perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect – therefore setting her mind in an attitude or receptiveness and learning.

“When considering the life of the Master, many remember Him as a great healer, or the great preacher of the truth. Do not lose sight of Jesus as a human being, the man who strived to overcome His human nature and who was dedicated without reservation to know and live the will of His Father in heaven. During His purely human life – before His baptism – He was just a man among men. There were no public displays of power or influence and the masses were not curious about Him. However, he was truly the greatest spiritual man that has ever walked the earth, because of His degree of fidelity to the divine will.

“Those who make an effort to be better every day are truly living the Will of the Father. The desire of the Father for His children during this foundational life in this world is that they learn to know His will and strive to be better, increasingly more like Him. Each one of you can do this right now, right where you are, in your jobs, in your homes, in your communities. The measuring staff that will measure your spiritual progress when you leave this world – the same one you will use when looking back at the life you lived upon this earth – is determined by those who understand your motivation and your desires, and they will make a determination filled with justice and compassion.


“If you learned to trust your Father in every situation of your life and to make decisions attempting to express your higher nature, you will be able to say without reservation that your life was a success and that you drank fully from the cup of mortal experience. Then you will enjoy the freedom to explore the next level of existence with the advantage of your spiritual experience in the flesh and the help of a more advanced physical form that can perceive a clearer vision of reality.”