2015-10-30-Flawed Messages and Reasons Why

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Topic: Flawed Messages and Reasons Why

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Teacher Samuel of Panoptia

TR: George Barnard


  • Edited by Linda Abell


Teacher Samuel: “This is Samuel the Panoptian. As a horticulturist and bio-engineer I redesigned common food plants to be more all-round nourishing. My co-workers were Life Carriers who had once been employed in ‘evolving’ some of the species I ‘upgraded.’ Much preparation and long hours saw to it that my life’s work, so aided by my esteemed helpers, benefitted many, many hungry Panoptians. And yes, my Urantia friends, those foods still feed many!

“Not always did I manage to follow the Life Carriers’ instructions. Even with Seraphim and Midwayers at the ready there existed and remained a communications gap between us. We were of different species. I was often preoccupied and rather set in my ways.

“You and your co-workers, both human and celestial, provide nourishment for Urantians, although it is of an important spiritual kind. Frequently you overlook, whilst you clearly understand, that the messages will bring nourishment to the thousands upon thousands to come after you all have long since moved on.

“Not always do you listen with great intent to what you are being told. Former humans like Aaron and I have learned to deal with our new senses, your mercurious (mercurial?) minds and the way you construct your sentences. That, my dear friend and student, is not something you can expect from the as-yet-untrained morontia mind of someone recently departed from Urantia. You missed out on something Aaron and I cannot retrieve. Just make note of it, we suggest. *

“It is most often so that flawed messages are the result of the receiver being incapable of understanding his or her Thought Adjuster. Just occasionally it is the recently-departed Mansion World sender whose powerful, but untrained, mind can leave you with a flawed message. Consider and make the appropriate adjustments.

“This is Samuel of Panoptia. Teacher Aaron and I wish you a pleasant day. Be the contributors you were always destined to be.”

Receiver’s note

A recently departed relative let me know that my latest (long sweated over) manuscript contains a glaring mistake, an unfortunate misunderstanding, or an incorrect recollection of an event or events — just one king-sized blooper. It seems I cannot now find out what that blooper is. However, it would hardly do to call the next-up of my publications (books) — the most important of all my writing — mere fiction.

Dealing with somewhat of a dilemma here.