2014-08-03-The Soul Building Process

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Topic: The Soul Building Process

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Teacher Ophelius

TR: Chris


Part 1

Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about the soul building process and the three main processors – the mind, the heart, and the Thought Adjuster (in this order) – and how these three components work together to feed the growing morontia soul. By knowing the process, and how these processors work together, you may become more effective in growing a weightier soul by making conscious decisions where you determine the quality of your experiences – ‘what goes in.’

“We must first understand what the soul actually is. This, my friends, is a lengthy subject all of its own, but I will define it here in brief: The soul can be thought of as a growing embryo – like a fetus – an unborn child that is growing within you. You are the mother of this growing child and therefore it is important that you care for your own health (both mental and physical) because of the consequence it may have on the growing child within. You would not smoke, drink alcohol, take harmful drugs, or partake in dangerous activities, for this may have a detrimental outcome on the child’s health when it is born and could lead to developmental disabilities. Moreover, you would love this child while in the womb, speak to her, read, sing perhaps, and nurture this child even before you could hold her because this child is a part of you.

“You would put the very best of who you are into the care of this unborn child knowing she will be wholly dependent on you for all her needs when she is born. In anticipation for her arrival, you prepare the child’s room, find a comfortable crib, gather little outfits, and fill the room with stimulating objects, toys, and artwork – perhaps even start a college fund for her education. You are planning for the future of this child’s life and wanting the very best for her life experiences.

The soul, my friends, is wholly dependent on you for its development and therefore it is beneficial for you to take great care in the decisions you make in life, both great and small. The soul is the very best part of who you are and what you are becoming. Therefore, this unborn child is really you! It is the ‘you’ who will pick-up and live life in the next phase of your ascendant career on the mansion worlds of your local system. Wouldn’t you want to build the very best ‘you’ there could be while you are living in this world? You have ‘everything’ to do with the pro- or atrophic development of your soul.

“Many of you have never thought about the soul this way, yet this is so important for your future development both here and hereafter! The womb is your current life – your interest, your relationships, your activities, your adventures, your thought life – all those things that ‘feed’ your experiences, which become the ‘palate’ for the appetite of the soul. Not all of the foods on your plate will become integrated into the body of the soul, only those worthy experiences, values, and moral decisions that embody Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and deemed to be ‘of survival value’ by your Thought Adjuster (the third processor) to become a part of your growing soul.

“How do we know what experiences and values the Thought Adjuster will harvest and which will be discarded with the flesh? How do we optimize the process and maximize our time? This we will explore in Part Two of this message. Until then, please think about the pediatric care of your soul – the unborn ‘you’ and what you are feeding this child and how you are nurturing her.

“Peace to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”

Part 2

Teacher Ophelius: “In continuance of our discussion on the soul building process, we will now look at the roles of the three soul processors – the mind, the heart, and the Thought Adjuster (TA). Each of them play an important part in determining what experiences, meanings, and values are harvested for soul building and eternal survival. The order in which these three processors are listed here is sequential to the order in which all experiences are processed – from the physical aspect of human awareness (the brain and the five senses), to the emotional center (the heart), to the spiritual operator (the TA). All three are necessary and all three work together in accordance with the free will prerogatives established by the Universal Father which assures relative untethered and diverse experience harvesting.

“The mind, the heart, and the TA can be thought of like the three branches of democratic government – the legislative branch (mind), the executive branch (heart) and the judicial branch (the TA). To build a healthy and weighty soul, all three must function together, and communicate laterally sending feedback for wisdom gathering, yet for many, the executive branch can often bypass the judicial branch by executive order and make decisions that are not necessarily of survival value. The ability of a government to serve the highest good for its constituency is determined by the quality of the members of the legislative and executive branches – the judicial branch only contains one member (the TA) and He retains sovereign authority in what passes through to the soul.

“There is a two party system at work in the first two branches – those members (human thoughts) that are more aligned with fear and those that are more aligned with human love (conditional love) – the TA operates exclusively on Divine Love (unconditional love). There is constant debate among these partisan members which does not always serve the greater good of the soul, yet the debate is essential to the functioning of free will. The judicial branch (TA) has no authority over what the other two branches do or what experiences they will entertain, yet the TA will express its opinion in certain matters, which the executive and legislative branches can take under consideration or ignore completely.

“The legislative branch (mind) searches out and brings life experiences through the senses and presents them to the executive branch (the heart) for a decision on whether it will pursue the current course of action or will choose another based on the wisdom of past events. If the majority of its members belong to the Fear Party, then it is more likely the decisions of the executive branch (heart) will be subservient to the ego and the experiences will be discordant and not likely to pass through the judiciary. If it is more dominated by the Love Party, the decisions of the heart are more likely to fall in favor of love, mercy, and compassion and the experiences are more likely to pass through the judicial branch and on into the soul. The judiciary (TA) holds the experiences up to the light and compares them to the precedence set by the Universal Father by the criteria of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness (the constitution).

“The operations of the three soul processors are more complicated than this parity suggests, yet it is meant to stimulate your own thoughts about how experiences are processed. In Part Three (3) of this series, we will look at the experiences themselves and what practical value they serve for the surviving soul.

“Peace to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”