2012-09-28-The Power of Love

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Topic: The Power of Love

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Oscar

Part 1

  • 2012-09-28

Thought Adjuster: “Love is the key to overcoming the limits imposed by the partiality of your point of view and by your perception of reality. As the young apostle once wrote, ‘God is Love.’ The essence of the Father is expressed through His unconditional love and it is only through love that a human being can reach the heights of divine perfection, even while intellectually ignoring the true meaning of this perfection.

The Master once said that the most eloquent demonstration of spiritual progress is the quality of love a person can offer to his or her peers. The beliefs or knowledge of a person are not as important. It is through love that a Thought Adjuster can express the divine will in a more complete fashion, because to love unconditionally is to express divinity.

“The religion into which you were born, the beliefs and the traditions that surround you, the culture in which you are immersed, or the moral and intellectual level of the world you live in, are not so important. You may choose to improve your education, elevate your culture by knowing a little bit more about your world, or by following all the established rules, but only when you allow love to inundate your being, motivating your decisions and actions, will you rise above the material world and discover new values and truths.

“Many times in the history of your world, some personalities that you might have considered uncultured, simple or lacking in intelligence, have elevated their actions to the heights of divinity thanks to the powerful love they felt for their peers. Many have defied the traditions and the rules of the place or the time in which they lived with the goal of providing loving service and work for the happiness of a loved one. It is precisely in those moments – the times when a person gives everything for the happiness of others – when a human being acts like the Father would, if He were in his or her place.

“Don’t worry about what you think you know or don’t know. Don’t be concerned that the partiality of your current understanding of the truth may hinder your spiritual progress. Focus instead on learning to love and increasingly knowing and accepting your brothers and sisters in this world. Love is the essence of the Father and the force that sustains the universes. Learn more about love and everything else will be revealed to you through experience.”

Part 2

  • 2012-10-02

Thought Adjuster: “The women apostles chosen by Michael during His time as Jesus of Nazareth were lifted from their state of implied slavery to that of equality with all other children of God. This truth transformed their lives, since many of these pure souls honestly believed they were inferior beings. They didn’t feel that they were being enslaved or in submission to their male peers, instead they accepted their lot as a reality — simply their destiny.

“With His actions Michael demonstrated His conviction about the equality of all human beings. He was a living illustration of the fact that our Father is not a respecter of persons. Those who experienced the unconditional love that Michael offered them could not help but love Him back.

“It was this dynamic and authentic love that helped the women overcome all their doubts, their confusion and their fears, producing a higher expression of human loyalty. Most men and women of those times could not really grasp the revolutionary truths that Michael was teaching them. Many felt really perplexed when trying to understand what that ‘kingdom of heaven’ might be. Many believed that something so wonderful could not be true and they had honest doubts in their hearts. However, those who lived with Michael and were exposed to his example of a life consecrated to faith and to the divine will, could not help but be touched by the love and dedication that the Creator Son had for each and every one of His mortal children.

Love is the essence of God, the aroma of divinity and the hallmark of perfection. It is possible for a human being to not understand completely the realities of spirit and to be unable to explore the origins and destiny designed by Deity. However, through love he or she can come closer to the real perfection of being and to obliterate all limitations by becoming part of the energy that sustains the universes and gives life to all creatures.”