2010-01-11-Abraham and Mary

(Redirected from Abraham and Mary-2010-01-11)


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Topic: Movement

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham, Mary

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings.


I appreciate your honesty and sincerity with this evening’s pre-lesson discussion. I can plainly see the desires of your heart when you are comfortable to freely share your thoughts.


It is obvious to you now that the spiritual helpers can only put in as much effort as mortals, meaning that should you seek for truth and patiently wait, then are we, as teachers, allowed to help. We are not to force our teachings on mortals, no. We are to simply go with the learning momentum of the mass mind. Father works along those same lines. He can only give you what you can hold.

Those of us on this side can watch our mortal friends stumble and we have to wait until we are invited to help. I appreciate the integrity of each one of you. You work hard and for the most part are willing to earn what you receive. Jesus said, “Knock and the door shall be opened.” We are finding there to be some confusion in the minds of mortals when you are in need of help, but something stands in the way of requesting it.


I am MARY. Greetings to you, friends, I have been attending to my own spiritual studies and I am with excitement to continue learning about the Kingdom and how we are all placed within it.

I can see Abraham’s lesson this evening from a few different angles. For one, I can relate back to my own experience in the flesh. I believed once I apparently had the spiritual foundation firmly set in my daily living that I should be somewhat problem-free. I was under the impression that I was knowledgeable enough to solve simple everyday problems. I was prideful in a manner that kept me from asking questions or seeking help. I did not want to appear weak and ignorant.

One afternoon, going about our daily chores, I was so fortunate to be witness to the Master asking for assistance with some simple circumstance. He could seem to prioritize life so that He was less troubled in mind. In those days I could take some simple issue that was troublesome and blow it out of proportion like the world was ending. I was bothered in mind and had great tension. I was able to watch the Master delegate assignments and incorporate all into the Father’s Kingdom. He was unafraid to appear weak because His closeness with Father had not made room for the prideful ego to overtake what was really important.

Much of the time the Master was surrounded by those that loved Him and also believed in the cause and of course, this is always a blessing, always comforting. However, He also lived an average normal mortal life and experienced the hate others could produce. It was not weakness in the Master’s mind to look to the Father for assistance. It was simple conferring with somebody who knew more and always had His best interest at heart. The Master always had full trust in the Father and had not worry of appearing weak or needy. It was obvious in his countenance that His mind was at ease. He lived to serve the Father and had not worry of His own reputation or how He might appear in the eyes of the world. Imagine living such a life of freedom. I am not saying to have license without wisdom, but to feel less burdened, less stressed.

This week we are suggesting that you draw Father in closer for even the most simple issues of daily living. Be not afraid to ask Him anything. Allow Him to strengthen you towards feeling secure as His child. When you are with more freedom from ego then are you more likely to utilize your spiritual skills. It is acceptable to ask for help because it incorporates differing individuals into the Kingdom and makes them also feel with purpose. To have assistance will help you to feel more clear in mind and we will be better able to serve. Let us also be aware of times when we are worried about how others see us. When you are filled with the Spirit it pours out upon those that know you.


That is all for this week. No questions. Know that Abraham and I are always close by should you need anything. Our love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.