Letters XVII-XXII: Liberty

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Letter XVII

The transformation of the blessing and idea of liberty, freedom from political tyranny and dominance by humans of each other, to the freedom for the natural wildness of all life forms on Earth is new for humanity in this time. It is not new, of course, for traditional indigenous peoples who consider all other life to be their family relations and kinfolk.

As the number of humans on Earth continues to increase, wild land and free running water, your family relations, are losing their liberty to the tyranny of what you call necessity. You put yourselves into endless slavery when you enslave and destroy the wildness natural to all life around you. You enter a desperate dungeon and throw away the key when you can no longer breathe with your wild kinfolk in celebration of life.

It is to your everlasting credit that you are ever more vigilant in saving evermore land and water from destruction. Yet, you have barely begun the process of regeneration and purification of the land and water now in controlled subservience to meet your bodily needs. When you learn that all wildness of all life in any state is yours to protect, that its liberty is worthy of your care and reverence, you will have matured in your own liberty. That is the life and liberty of your time. That is the pursuit of happiness which is your salvation.

Letter XVIII

Dear ones, only innocent, unaware children would be believing that a national Supreme Court acting to the best of their abilities would be worthy of the right and capable of the judgment to award personhood to corporations, presidencies to unelected persons, and ownership of the architecture of all lives on earth to private owners calling life itself their personal property.

There are realms into which the noble structure of civil law with all its benefits toward social harmony should not and cannot possibly enter. It is impossible to legislate the meaning of nature’s souls and the holiness and sanctity of those souls’ stories. Civil law reaches its fulfillment and highest good in protecting opportunity and possibility, not in dictating the specifics of their future outcome.

A soul is that attribute and that capability common throughout the full family of life which is each life’s compass toward divine reunion with its Creator. The home port of reunion with the divine is the deepest yearning of every soul. That journey, that story cannot be judged in a court of civil law any more than an innocent newborn child can be blamed, tried and burdened with the sins of long past or longed for future generations.

When actors from the realms of civil law trespass into realms of morality and spirituality wherein they have no right nor ability to pass judgments, the people sensitive and strong and enlightened enough to recognize these transgressions must step forth and rescue the common good and the whole life social harmony from such criminal presumption.

Healing transgressions enacted within the realm of civil law cannot be controlled and purified from within the same domain of civil law in which they were created. Parents who venture out away for an evening’s entertainment from home do not leave their young children in the care of other young children. They seek older, more experienced and dependable caretakers often best enacted by the children’s grandparents.

Supreme Court justices cannot be cared for by others of their kind and station in life. Only older wise elders and often the collaborative intelligence of groups of caring citizens can properly call justices to account and to compassionate question and consideration.

Failure to call justices and their legislative and executive colleagues into question when they are building elaborate fortresses against cosmic common sense and the natural ways of souls throughout the family of life, is to destroy the last best hope of harmony enshrined in the American experiment in self-governance.

Letter XIX

I have no right to speak to you of excess. All my adult life I lived beyond my means ending my years so deeply in debt as to be powerless to pass on anything of consequence to my progeny. Most importantly, I lost ownership of my slaves so that if I wanted to free them I could not.

Perhaps it is the shame of my final years, however, that qualifies me to warn you of excess, you whose lifestyles and whose transnational corporations are so compulsively gluttonous. For by military might, not right, and business cleverness, not kindness, you control and consume five to ten times every day more than your share, by your percentage of world population, of the world’s riches.

Americans are less than five percent of the world’s people. You consume twenty to fifty percent of its riches daily. Most of the world’s people live on less for a year than some of you spend in an hour. Even just among yourselves, your corporate leaders now earn more in an hour than their own workers do in a year.

There is nothing more shocking in our nation’s history than my own ownership of slaves. Yet today, Americans suffer the rest of the world’s people and all other life forms to live enslaved to the thoughtless gluttony of a very few whom you glorify for their excesses in your magazines and media. Monetary wealth has so captivated the hearts, souls and dreams of Americans as to totally disassociate your lives from worthy membership with all other lives and life itself on your planet. It is estimated that it would take four planet Earths to provide all of humanity what Americans consume daily.

Freedom, that priceless American ideal and virtue for some has now become freedom from you, not with you. Freedom from American and similar gluttony is now the life and death struggle of all life on Earth. For it is said by thoughtful scientists among you that at the rate of ruination of the planetary environment accelerating as it is, half the species here present today will be extinct by the end of this twenty-first century. Almost all the world’s largest corporations that are these ravenous killers are American. Of course, there are many others and other rich persons worldwide. Yet America is leading the charge of global gluttons marching toward human extinction. Human extinction is now emerging as a possibility, as an image in the mirror of planetary nature. America has begun the act of human suicide without knowing it.

The struggle for freedom from England’s tyranny in our nation’s founding is an important moment in human history. Yet, it is as naught compared to the founding of a new planetary civilization for the salvation of life itself on Earth.

America is a comeback people. Comeback is the archetypal action defining American character. If there ever was a moment in the long several million year history of humanity now right for a comeback to salvation, you, America, are living in that moment. You, America, are the world’s problem; so you are the world’s solution.

I am sorry to speak so harshly and with such spiritual excess. Yet, I feel there is no other choice if I am to awaken you to leadership in the creation of a planetary life renaissance so fulfilling of your natural destiny.

Letter XX

Money is the corruption of the American soul. I could see it coming with the visions and machinations of Mr. Hamilton and the Northern industrialists. They without apparent care for what they were destroying subverted and seduced the American connection to pure wilderness and the bounty of all land. They tore from the land her humble farming people and enslaved them in the new dark satanic mills. Humanity has never known such a fall from grace, save the New England slave ships themselves.

Now we come again to the American experiment falling into enslavement to the corporate domination of nature’s beneficence commodifying into produce for monetary profit every living thing on earth capable of capture or unholy harvest. The daily gambling casino you call the stock market keeps a ruthless score as destructive to the spirit of life as you could possibly have invented.

The prideful and punishing murder of Hamilton by Burr was a tragic depiction of sins to come where nothing was harvested but shame and guilt. America duels with all the world’s lives and never loses. She stands in her soul behind such a long string of subversions and assassinations in the putrid politics of military industrial domination that all life on Earth now shudders in horror as it prepares itself to fall to the blade of the scythe of death which has become America.

First by far in profiteering in the war and death industry, America yet is still the global seat of benevolence and idealism. Such a soul-wrenching struggle for clarity and purity of purpose human life has never seen before. The depth of the mystery of how good and evil could so inhabit a single soul seems to have rolled in like a thick fog from the ocean of human evolution. The American soul is desperate for the burning power and purity of sunlight, the sunlight of spiritual transcendence.

It feels like an endless hopeless night of blinding murder among you. Yet, dawn is inevitable. There are those Americans among you still, first alone and then in small villages and towns and city neighborhoods who are rising early in courage to be bringers of the dawn.

I am reminded of the midnight ride of Paul Revere calling our country to the fight for freedom which today has begun again. If money is your purpose, early death to all life is your certain end. This time you fight the forces of eternal extinction. Rise up. The dawn is at your door.

Letter XXI

The importance of energy in modern life, which is a desperate fixation causing political strife unto state-condoned murder and causing public pollution of air, soil and water, is about to be importance transformed to gentle moral transcendence. For energy throughout the cosmos has always been free for the taking for use in formative processes from galactic gatherings to plant and animal growth on Earth.

Energy is not force. Force amid the human story is the focusing of natural free flowing energy into technologies and tools that empower our creations and our destructions. That so much of your contemporary forcefulness is choking you to death with respiratory illness from excessive burning and poisoning you to death with chemical and atomic toxicity is a commentary on your moral immaturity and militant mediocrity given the free energy common to all formative life in the cosmos.

Force which reaches its pinnacle of pride, power, and arrogance in military weaponry would be comic in its childish, thoughtless, playing with death were it not now that the children have set fire to the house you call home, our planet. That human ingenuity driven by fear and greed has become your chosen form of eternal suicide in the face of unrecognized or unaccepted freedom of energetic life- enhancing success makes the predominance of death-play a human mystery.

So it is a moment of even more mysterious grace when the natural transcendence of natural human maturation carries your behavior forward from raging warring childhood to the moment of parental wonder at the moment of arrival of their first newborn child. Humanity is growing up. Humanity is learning a new depth of love and continuous caring from its newborn infant. That infant is our planet. That parent is humanity.

More than any other story, the freedom from thoughtless force to the freedom of expressive planetary kindness and compassion is playing out in the awakening hearts and souls of Americans. It is a struggle between force and freedom, how you are again releasing one to champion the other. Force does not win freedom; from human birth onward force kills freedom.

If freedom is America’s essence and primary passion, her discovery of the new forms of theuniverse’s free energy will become the forming of the social architecture and the laying of the foundations of planetary social harmony with and for all life.

Free energy is the key to the kingdom of transcendent maturation and successful conscious evolution planned and performed by the children of hope, Americans, now the parents of hope, Americans.

Letter XXII

Global warming will transform to wisdom weather when you learn to plumb the depths of spiritual creativity, in other words, harvest the precious gifts of each distinct stage of human life and form a new political economy on those gifts.

Monetary capital is dross and the concept of human capital is the ultimate insult to the angelic purity of the newborn infant. If you would have greeted the newborn Jesus the Christ and all other holy ones of the world at the times of their birth as monetary investments, you might have been able to save some two thousand years getting to your current state of disgrace.

Conversely, dear ones, and you are ever dear, recall the words of your eternal friend Jesus when he said, Behold the lilies of the field, they toil not nor do they spin, yet Solomon in all his glory is not arrayed as one of these.

A new kinship with all life awaits you and a new coinage of spiritual purity is yours for the minting. Behold the innocence and trust of the infant; the playful creativity of the child; the searching yearning of the adolescent; the fertile fecundity of the adult; the loving care of the parent; the soulful compassion of the mentor; the firm foundation of the sage; the magical mystery of the creator and the holy reunion of the transcendent human.

If you cannot build a new political economy in marriage with all life from this vast treasure of what it is to be human, eternity would be surprised and confounded. I have the great good fortune to know that you will.

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