1993-10-12-How To Use Your Talents
Topic: How To Use Your Talents
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: Betty
JarEl: Good evening, Joseph. My heart was very full at your heart full prayers tonight. As I have said it gives me much joy to be in your presence. May the power of God protect us. Let the presence of God enfolds us. May the love of God be with you, wherever we are, for wherever we are, He is.
Talent, Joy
Have I not told you that each one has a road to follow, a mission to accomplish, and a task to perform? We are looking for how to use your talents. The plans are on the drawing board. Talents are things that you do well naturally. That is why it is important to enjoy yourself; to enjoy life. It is not meant to be a burden. The things you do well are the things that bring you joy. Joy at your accomplishment; joy at your completion; joy at the fruits that we bear. Look for the joy; look for the joy in your life. Where does it lie? What form does it take?
As a child is born, at this birth so much knowledge cannot be given to you. It would be a disservice to give it to you. It would be worthless. It is not that we withhold, for it is the Father's pleasure to give you all that you desire. It is simply worthless unless you discover it for yourself. Have you not seen the waste and plunder and the little respect from those who live in abundance often display towards their possessions? They are given everything and yet they have nothing.
So fear not you will be provided all that you require. We are pleased with your progress. We are pleased with your dedication. We are touched by your love. Give this message to all. Enjoy life. This is all. My wealth goes out to you.
Joseph: I thank you, JarEl, very much tonight. The message that you have given in fact has taught me. About the last two or three days I feel are in fact a turning point in my life. Thank you very much for the message, and for being here.
JarEl: You are most welcome. This one grows weary. I leave you this evening pleased with your efforts. I hope that this brings you comfort.
Joseph: It has brought a tremendous amount of comfort. Thank you very much.
Betty: Joseph remember that you are well loved. So I will leave you this evening. My love goes with you and remember to write. Farewell.
Joseph: My love to you, JarEl. Farewell, goodnight.