Friends of Daynal Institute

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The Friends of the Daynal Institute comprise a network of individuals who recognize the curriculum of divine love in its countless forms and methods of delivery. Their purpose is to surmount the great challenge of our time by fostering a culture of spiritual communion without regard for particular religions or 'revelations'.

For lessons on the related topic of Friendship, follow this link.
For lessons on the topic of the Trinity Teacher Sons, follow this link.

Who Are the Friends?

  • Generally

Any whose personal religion is love and therefore encompasses all that is true, beautiful, and good, and see these attributes in all human endeavors as well. Who view such beauty in all things such as art, music, literature, and science; who understand truth is revealed in many different ways; that truth is a reality known not only as a divine attribute but human as well. Who manifest a future religion now that combines all of the human with the divine.[1]

  • Specifically

Those willing to explore a) the spiritual counterpart of advancing material knowledge [2], b) the vast body of essential spiritual knowledge indispensable to high spiritual attainment that cannot be consciously received [3], and c) who are willing to serve as material complement of spiritual personalities entrusted with the enactment of some cosmic achievement essential to the spiritual economy of the planet.[4]


  • There is a tendency for mortals to want a solution to their world’s problems, a program, an agenda, a revelation, a religion, some sort of state, some apparatus that will address these problems and solve their dilemma. This is wishful thinking, and it may lead to truthful thinking for in truth it is through your willingness to engage yourself in this divine friendship we offer sharing it with others with respect for who they are even as you discover more of who you are; it is this process, this action where our Father becomes active, and His action is that influence that is changing the world, gradually eroding the grip of fear yielding to the relaxation within that state otherwise sought but now found in love. Yes, it is the state of love that we would establish, and how else can love grow, assume its place filling the voids in your heart, in your lives than in and through friendship. - [6]


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See also