1994-02-13-Difficulty of Changing World

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Topic: Difficulty of Changing World

Group: Arcadia TeaM


Teacher: JarEl

TR: Betty



The power of God protects us. The presence of God enfolds each and everyone in His love and light. Wherever we are , he is with us.

JAREL; Greetings this is JarEl your teacher.

GROUP; Greetings Jarel.


JAREL; The world in which we live is ever changing. Today your discussion has been the struggles involved in living in such a world, and keeping the faith that the Father has bestowed upon us , as a light to guide us through the chaos, thru the confusion, into the peace of the stillness when all else about us is uncertain. It seems to be a contrast of good and greed . It becomes clear when one is forced to interact with these elements in order to earn a wage that would enable one to be independent in the world. We have seen the consequences of greed, and yet the changes required to uplift the institutions into a higher mind of development. is wrought with resistance. Change is a difficult process to embrace and the difficulty heightens as the changes required to bring these institutions into harmony are enacted.

You see the darkest face before the light. We see the bottom of the pit before we are rescued, because the very bottom of the pit must be realized before changes, that painful process of change, can begin. The accidents that occur along the way in this change for the betterment of mankind are inevitable. We live in an uncertain world, where the will of one affects many. In many ways the slavery of olden days has transformed into a new and more sophisticated practice. Never-the-less, dear ones, slavery is still being practiced. Let me tell you, for this I know. Each and everyone has with them, the Father and guardians to protect you from this chaos.

You are the light of the world that shines in the darkness. This will be more and more evident to those who come in contact with you. . You will say ‘why me’.. Why did they seek me out. Why am I saying these things to this one. Yet this will be what occurs. Today are many where uncertainty will be the focal point, and as the blanket is pulled to your chin in the evening upon retiring there will be much struggle in your heart. I say to you, this is a time of roses in your heart. A time for much growth will be realized. For without the struggles there is no growth.

There is the complacency, that we view with disdain, among our spiritual leaders today. This is the way to pass on forward thinking and grace, with new thoughts and new ideas. This a painful practice. In change we see many who would desire freedom of their responsibilities so they could experiment with new ideas. However the responsibility lays heavy upon their hearts , and the fear of ostracism overcomes the faith required to leap forward into the arms of God.

So , dear ones embrace the difficulties. They are but a temporary condition. I know that you will not be afraid of the fire and the heat generated by those around you. You will be led, ever so gently to the meadow where your next task will be presented to you..

Let your hearts be filled with the joy that you have found the path whereupon the Father has tread before you, and you have been brought from the wilderness into His light. Christ Michael himself has ordained your future. Faith is the only requirement.

And now, dear ones, let us each make an effort to transmit the message I will give to you. Let us begin with Lucille and move in a circle around the room. Loosen your tongues. You are cared for and loved by all. . We are among friends, so fear not, I will be with you. Let us begin with the stillness.


LUCILLE; (pause) I don’t seem to perceive a message. God is with you. You have His love.

Peace be with you.

JAREL; Love is always the answer.

JOE; Let joy and love fill your heart. It displaces all else.

HAL; Let fear be displaced with love. I am with each of you. I will guide. I will protect you. Let the Fathers light shine thru you. You are each a part of the Father., expressing to each other. He will guide you in all your troubles if you will but listen for me.. We are all together in this. We must strengthen the core group , .. Each must participate. Each must find the Father in the stillness. Each must practice more. Each must radiate His love at all times.


JAREL; Dear ones, I am most pleased by your efforts. It is of the utmost importance that we continue in this practice of transmitting. We are ten months into our mission and the changes that are inevitable will be forth coming. You must be prepared, and you must each continue this oneness to do Christ Michael’s bidding. You have all been faithful to this calling. I am pleased with the faith and trust demonstrated here today that has been shown to (.?.) your teacher that I will indeed impress upon you the words at first this ability is difficult . However with practice it becomes less difficult and easier to discern my words from random thoughts. Each of you is loved by me.