2002-10-28-Group Notes For Nel
Topic: Group Notes for Nel
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: George B.
Chris: Thank you for this dazzling gem of a world we live in. Thank you for all our fellowship. Thank you for the midwayers, the angels, your spirit, our teacher, Nebadonia and everyone who watches over us, so that we are never alone. Thank you for our adversity and thank you most of all to the First Source and Center. Thank you for our freewill and our wonderful universe career. I pray for Nel, that your spirit surrounds and permeates her, for Kerry and her family, and for Susan. I pray that your will be done, amen.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good to see all of you once again gathered together as friends. I would like to give you this opportunity to speak your mind and share your feelings for your Sister Nel. Each one of you may say something to her as this is being recorded and later transcribed. At this moment I am giving you the opportunity to say something to your Sister Nel.
Donna: Dear Nel we miss you here in this group, you are truly our sister. We love you, we miss you and we wish you well always. We hope that you will be healed, we certainly pray that the Father’s Will be done. If it is the Father’s Will that you go to him we know that you would also be happy there, we send our best wishes and love with you, if that is the case. However long that you have left Nel, we want to avail ourselves of the opportunity to visit with you and to fellowship. We send you our best.
Lucille: Nel I want to tell you how much you have meant to me. You have grown so much, you’ve heard from Nebadonia and from Christ Michael, and you have shared them with us. You are truly one that I truly love. You helped me to grow. I thank you for everything you have done for me. I miss your positive thoughts and I am so happy that you are at peace. As you said, you hear from Michael and he helps you all the time and that is a wonderful situation to be in. I will be in touch with you.
Jennie: I do thank so much the Father that I have had the opportunity to know you and expect that we will do things together in the future. I love you so much. As you can tell you are sorely missed in this group, everyone in this group loves you to pieces. We expect to see more of you in the near future. I know the time we had the other day with you, Lucille and I really enjoyed. I hope to spend some more time with you. I just want to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me and I pray for comfort for you and your family. I know that you already have peace within your heart. God bless you Nel.
Chris: I didn’t know the real reason that you stopped coming to our meetings and you mentioned that you had gone as far as you can go and I didn’t question that at all. I think that you are one of the…..your faith is so strong that it just leaves you with a loving glow all over. I am just grateful that I have known you for this short time. I have a request of you, if you should go up there fairly soon, that you get together with Hal and bring us a joint report.
Stella: Dear Nel I am really very surprised that you are ill, I had no idea. I just want to say that I have always been so impressed with your elegance, your loveliness and your spirituality. You are a most impressive person and I love you dearly and I pray that your illness will be healed which I know it will be. I hope we see you soon and that you will be your old self so that you can do your beautiful prayers that I so appreciated. I love you and hope to see you soon.
George: Dear Nel I just wanted to tell you that all the time you are here, you seem like my Mom. I say that in good way because you were like a motherly figure towards me and I just love the way you are and how you relate to everyone and how you had your own opinion, always. You know that I always love you, may God be with you always.
Steven: Nel, I am thinking of the wonderful times of hospitality that you and Ernie and Enno showed us at your home for some of the special occasions where those of us in this group gathered together. I am greatly encouraged that you still feel a great strength and faith, that is a great shot in the arm for me because of the limitations I have physically at this point in my life. My thoughts and my prayers are for your healing. It will really be great to see you back here in Arcadia with us soon. Whatever the Father’s Will shall be. It is certain knowledge that in one realm or another you will be a great contributor towards the spiritual expansion of the Supreme in this Universe. I pray that it will be Father’s Will that it will be here, we are thinking about you and we love you.
Virginia: Nel, you know that we love you, all of us do. We miss seeing your face, your enthusiasm and spirituality. I don’t know what else to say? We are all very sad about your situation. I miss you and I hope to see you soon. I wish that I could take some of your pain and give you some energy. I hope to see you soon.
Donna Jean: Nel I want to thank you for being a teacher. You are a teacher with courage and discipline and you’re known. I have to talk to you here, you can come here or I will go there or after you’re transported to the other side. Thank you Nel, I love you.
Larry: Thank you Nel, I love you. I am so very grateful to know you these last few years being a part of this group. You have been a shining light in my life. Your love is a personification of Nebadonia. We are all so very grateful to be a part of your life and to have your love. God bless you Nel and live in our Father’s LOVE.
Teaching Mission
JarEl: TR, George. I would just like to say to you, what you said to Nel came from your hearts, came from the love that you have for her. A love that is certainly real and valid. My asking you to send this message to her in no way determines her outcome. It is there for her to read and to know that you all love her and that you care for her. This love is everlasting.
Tonight there shall be no talks of war, of fear or of anger. We shall talk about love and how each of you in this room carries this love for one another. If any of you were to go missing, you surely would be missed, for every one in this room is a vital part of this family, just as Nel is a vital part of this family, as well as Henry, Hal, Norman and all the others who come to this Teaching Mission. You have all become a part of this beautiful family that reunites every other week, for some of you every week. You continue to grow. The difference here is that you do grow positively. There is no dysfunction here. You are all very supportive of each other, very loving. You look out for each other, you encourage one another, you support one another and you are there for one another when times are bad. This is part of the divine love that exists in each one of you. It verifies that you are a part of this greater family, this universe family and you function quite well.
You and many others like you shall become models for future social gatherings. Future generations shall look at the history of the Teaching Mission groups and try to figure out how they worked? What made them last so long? In their searching they shall discover that it was a mutual respect for one another but most of all it was love that kept you together. My precious students you have learned so much by coming here from time to time. I assure you that you still have a lot to learn and you will learn.
When the time comes when you cross over into the Morontia Realm you shall glee when you see the enormous schools that are prepared for you; the bountiful opportunities that your life will have, the many desserts that you shall enjoy. There are hard times here, let them be! Cherish the good times, your family, your friends, your loved ones; see them and realize that you have so many opportunities here to express your love. So many opportunities to make a friend and so many opportunities to be happy.
Hard times will always be here, you should know that by now. It is precious when you forget about those hard times and just stop and enjoy your life. Stop and take a deep breath and you feel alive with energy and with goodness. You see the beauty around you and you feel the truth within your heart. You shall carry that truth wherever you go, to whoever you speak to, they shall listen. If you remain true to cherishing your life you shall inspire others to do the same. So there shall be no talks of war, or anger or hate. Tonight I want you to love one another as I love you. Are there any questions.
Stella: When I was driving in I was listen to this program on the radio about the apocalypse, end times and all that. I know that we are not going to be talking about war but I just want to know: there is a firm belief that the anti-Christ is causing all these problems. Is there an anti-Christ?
JarEl: TR, George. That is just a theory based on fiction that has no creditability. It is a figment of someone’s imagination; one that was created to blame everything on. Are there any other questions?
Lucille: JarEl what can we say to people that have the fear of things that are happening in the world? I came across some remarks the other day where I just remarked that we should enjoy each day as we go along. But you don’t want to be a Pollyanna do you? Should we just try to see the positive, is that it?
JarEl: TR, George. Your example Lucille shall be evident enough for all to see. As you show your positivity others will be reassured. Try to carry an aura of authority over these matters, for you do. You know that things will get better, this is your faith, this is your belief. There shall always be people who will try to tell you that fear is coming, that war is coming and that hate is here. In your heart you know that God is here, God is always and God is Love. What they tell you and what you know is distinct and different. Why should you be convinced when they act out of fear? Trust in your wisdom and trust in God.
I, too, have words for Nel. You have truly been a gifted learner. I have seen you grow over all these years. I have enjoyed your company. I have enjoyed your thoughts, your opinions and your questions. I have enjoyed your overall personality. Continue to be the bright and beautiful person that you are. All your friends here love you. With that I shall wish you goodnight.
All: Good night JarEl
[Editor’s Note: One of the group is seriously ill and JarEl gives the rest of the group an opportunity to speak their minds and feelings for Nel ]
Response From Nel to Group
Note to tmlers:
Nel sent this post to Light and Life email
I am re-sending it to tml.
From: Nel Dear friends, brothers and sisters
Thank you for your gracious thoughts expressed to me. I am eternally grateful to our Father that He brought all of you into my life to enrich me in sharing with you and learning to love ever more like He Loves all of us.
The powerful lessons from Jarel and many of the other teachers in the Mission have certainly helped me to over come my fears and isolation. The "Motto" of Stillness time with Father, I embraced with all my heart and Michael helped me to over come my "Christian" fear of Father, that I may connect with His Spirit in me, to complete my covenant I entered into with God when I was very young.
This new and probably last episode of my life is teaching me ever more about doing Fathers will. To whole heartedly say, it is my will that Your will be done. My mind is calm, peaceful and accepting, my Spirit is strong and for however long my body will sustain me, I will live for Fathers Glory, and live every moment in happiness and gratitude for the life that is given me.
I love you all,