2004-09-27-What Is Meant By Divinity

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Topic: What Is Meant By Divinity

Group: Marin TeaM


Teacher: Michael




[Dear Folks, Jerry Lane of the Marin TM Group here again, catching up on backlogged transmissions to send out to TML. It is a pity the words cannot capture and send all the emotion which happens at times in these sessions, but I'm sure your heart's imagination can fill in our response to Michael's presence and His living voice coming from a human throat. Enjoy. Jerry ]


Prayer: Here we are again, your children, gathered about Your, our Parents’ knees, with beaming faces, looking up to hear Your words. We love You very deeply, and we feel Your love for us. You make us feel so welcome in Your living presence which sustains us moment to moment. And so we open our hearts and our minds and invite You to share our lives with us. You are so welcome - now and all the days to come. We thank You so very, very much. Amen.

My peace be upon you, My children. And I thank you for your love. This is your Creator/Father, Michael. When we get together like this, what is it that we seek? What is it that we hope for? What is it that we enjoy? What is our heart’s desire? What fulfills us? What is the purpose right within life? Why were we created? What is our Father’s purpose? These are all real dimensions that every living personal being experiences. This is all a part of a divine plan that is the very essence of divinity. Let us pause for a moment to think and enjoy what is meant by divine, what is meant by divinity. And let Me suggest that though this can never be captured in a million words, it can be suggested by one word: sharing. So let us pause to think of, and enjoy, what is meant by this whole concept: sharing.


Let us begin where we are: we have something. Each of us has something. This is your soul. This is what you have earned through living experience. This is an absolute reality that has no substitute. This is that combination of our Universal Father and your very own unique self. I say again: there is no substitute for your own unique living experience. This is what we have. This is our possession. This is our wealth. And what it is, is not only ourselves, our own personal living being, but what we have experienced that is everything but us. This has been for you the whole world of people, and a material planet, and events - your entire lives of not only your own personal growth and what you can think of as yourself, but all the other persons you have known, all the other events of which you are aware.

So you see, my children, this enormous Other is so much a part of this eternal possession you treasure. And this is what you have to share. Even more delightful, this is what you have to exchange. Think of the enormity of another person’s soul and all that they have experienced in their life. What a treasure! What a creation of God – this thing we call sharing. What an infinity of reality to encounter. For it is real, and it is there waiting for you. And you will encounter it on into eternity. Within every personal being is this living, growing wealth of experience. For you as a human being, take reassurance that no matter what happens to you physically, this will never be lost. Keep in mind that the Hand that writes all the journals of your soul in a spiritual counterpart of your experience, His hand misses no detail.

This is what your Mother and I treasure to be involved in. You have within you a choice. You can invite Us to share your life with you. And this is a real choice. This is the way you can actually influence your Creator Father and Mother. This is a gift you can give Us even as our Father has given all of us life itself. What We would love to see is your being able to treasure this treasure that you can offer Us. It is not pride but rather humility for you to stop from time to time in your busy lives and enjoy the enormity that is your own soul. So take time, from time to time, to remember all this life you have lived. And treasure the fact that so much of this wealth is all these other human beings you have known, the other persons with whom you have shared this gift of life. I think you will find this answers the questions I asked at first. Thank You, our Father, for this life You have given us. And thank You for this ability we have to share it with others.

If you have any questions or comments this evening, I’m always glad to hear them, and to share them with you. (Long pause) Also, My sons, let Me say that this is not necessary. If you just want to enjoy, and reflect for awhile, on this enormity of your own souls


Student: Thank you, Father, Welmek answered most of my questions tonight. (Earlier) So thank You for Welmek, and the Teaching Mission, and the Correcting Time, and Your love for all of us.

Michael: You are welcome, My son. This is just a wonderful time for you to be alive; for your celestial teachers and friends too - this sharing you can now enjoy. So be in My peace and take a deep, deep rest in these contacts that are now possible. (Long pause)

Can your feel the peace here My sons? Rest in Me.

Student: Michael, earlier this evening Welmek wanted to transmit through me and this has been a quandary I have been in these past few months – my resistance to this. Part of me wants and desires to come from my own self, to speak from my own soul, and to hear my own inner voice, and learn from that. So I guess there’s this confusion within me, to hear God within me, to propel me to reach a greater understanding… (Long pause)

Michael: D, my son, there is a very natural, instinctual fear of the unknown. It is a caution that deserves respect, even love and understanding, for it is not just an animal reaction, but, on Urantia especially, there is a great wisdom in this caution. You all know, in a sense you have all personally experienced in your own life, or in the life of someone close to you, the consequences of foolhardiness. You know what happens, and can happen, to those who fear to experience any fear at all. With respect to receiving the direct input of another unique personality, I think it will help you enormously to keep in mind the very nature of these beings. Coming from the realm of Spirit, this is the very Essence you do not have to fear. Your Father Fragment is God Himself. Mother Spirit and Myself are your divine Parents. We love and sustain you more than you can know at this phase of your life. Other ascendant mortals who have actually lived a life much like yours, have gone on to experience what is so far beyond your imagination that you will not be able, in any way, to suppress your own surprise when you encounter it yourself. This is what they are. The ministering spirits, the children directly created by Mother Spirit, who delight in contacting you, and offering what you can use - good practical things, lessons, spiritual laws you can use in your present state; none of these need you fear. But it is your own heart, and your own mind, and the resources of your own soul which will finally make this assessment for you. But it still takes courage, knowing all of this deep in your heart, and your mind, and your soul, it still takes courage to step off and try. And though you may not yet realize it, this adventure is of your own choosing. From your deepest needs, your soul delights is this adventure: you cannot know until your try. And your very desire to grow, to experience another personality alongside this stream of reality you are creating for yourself – that you mentioned - your need to be fulfilled with sharing your life with another, will show you the way. But the choice is yours. The freedom is yours. Enjoy it, my son.

Student: I can understand, Michael, if the idea that I would rather choose the life of the spirit than the life I see in this world, then it no longer has that pull, and that I do have a choice. And then what I see out in the world, what is so unnecessary, so lifeless… It is my desire, and my intention, to live this vision that Gods holds for me, that God feeds me right here and now. That has always been my intention, whether I was conscious of it or not. And I realize that there are infinite celestial beings out there who are desiring to share their wisdom and knowledge, and I probably have been educated by them without even knowing it – overshadowed by them – ‘cause their vision is the same as God’s…

Michael: Yes, D, your understanding is very full - the aspect of seeing that all your life has been influenced by spirit. And at your stage of development you are encountering the coordination that, from a human point of view, is perfect - the coordination of all these spirit influences, the spiritual unity of all these separate unique personalities. Now I would set another challenge for you. That is, to see all the other people in your life, that you encounter, as spirit beings equal to yourself. This was my treasure when I lived among you as one of you – that I could see the Father in everyone. And this can be your treasure too. Remember to beam your love and your hope into everyone, but mostly into those you might think of as unworthy, or less than yourself. Believe me, my son, they are not. This is just your own inner defensive mechanism letting you know how much they need you. You will find that as you beam love into them you are tapping into resources within yourself that you do not yet know you have. And this is a treasure, along with them, you will discover. So be of great heart, and generous, even in your perceptions, and you will see the world transformed in front of your eyes! Does this ring true for you, my son?

Student: Yes, it does. I can see that already. I have seen fruits of that. Thank You.

Michael: You are most welcome. What a thing for us to share. Be in My peace.


Well, My sons, another evening draws to a close. Remember I am with you always, and I ask you, as a father, to give Me of yourselves all you can, and I will reflect it back to you one hundred fold. This is what we do – we share our lives. All My love goes with you. Good evening.