1994-03-01-Corrections Through Revelation
Topic: Corrections Through Revelation
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: Betty
The power of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. Wherever we are He is. Greetings, this is JarEl your teacher.
GROUP: Greetings JarEl.
JAREL: There are functions within the Teaching Mission other than direct communication. So your discussions are enlightening to our unseen helpers and myself. They provide much valuable information regarding your present status.
I am pleased and encouraged by the efforts made to transmit. This is of the utmost importance that each one wholeheartedly devote themselves to listening for these impressions and speaking the messages. As you continue you will become more proficient in this method. Practice is of the utmost importance.
The Urantia Book has been given to us to clarify many misconceptions that have been perceived erroneously regarding the life of Jesus. Study groups are faring very well, and reports are that they are growing in number.
The ability to understand these revelatory concepts in itself uplifts the planet as the ever expanding concept of the Father enlarges. The love and nature of the Father is perceived quite differently during these studies. The angry God to be feared is replace with a loving concept of a caring parent. This contrast is easily embraced by the loving child. As a family we can understand this loving parent concept more readily than this angry God of our ancestors.
I will pause while we seek the stillness in preparation for the impressions. ( long pause)
Transmitting, Archives
MARLIES: Relax. Let it flow. The impressions will come. All are loved. (Long pause)
HAL: Father we are yours. Yours to do with as you desire. May our will be thy will. May we spread thy love to everyone we meet.
MARLIES: The discussion on judgment was correct. You are not aware of all that you are. In this life, in this body you do not see the full picture. Do not judge what it is not possible to judge.
HAL: Do not judge yourself. We are in the Father . The Father is in each of us individually. Listen for His messages. accept His spirit as your spirit.
JAREL: Dear ones. The practice goes well. It is invaluable to what is to come. The networking of ideas, and your ability to receive my impressions. They were quite well received this evening. We have now opened up this time for discussion and questions. Perhaps the description of the experience of transmitting has been captured on the recording machine as beneficial to transmitters in the future. To help them to understand the process, as you have perceived it. The documents and papers to become of great value to students and teachers in the future, just as transcripts were valuable to you in the beginning of our sessions. So remember, as these discussion unfold they are not only for this time but for times to come, in describing the experience. Do you understand this ?
GROUP: Yes very much so. Is there any special way or need for the dissemination of the the transcripts.
JAREL: These transcripts have been faithfully produced and I am pleased at the attention and care at which they are achieved. The transcripts will be disseminated shortly. Fear not. This work will continue, and the pioneers will be faithfully remembered.
HAL: Yes, we have had a request for the computer discs by Jerry Dalton. Doug has them about ready. It seems there should be other uses for them also.
JAREL: This will all be forthcoming. But as you well know we are not in the business of predicting the future. The plan has been presented and will be enacted regardless of the time required to bring about the results.
Urantia Book
HAL: Speaking of time. In the video we saw Sunday there was a passing comment that Section IV, 'The Life and Teachings of Jesus' had been started centuries before by the Midwayers. They mentioned something about back in the 12th century.
JAREL: This is unknown to me at this time. This is entirely possible as even you have been prepared for this day to participate in this mission. So it would not surprise me that the preparations for these revelations were conceived long ago.
HAL: Yes it would seem logical that they would prepare this information that is lacking in the Bible to be made available to us years ago.
JAREL: It is a familiar statement quoted from Dr. Sadler that if one question is answered then ten more questions will be asked, and the information and questions would be endless.
HAL: Which our life ahead is endless anyway.
JAREL: Eternity awaits each of us with thrilling adventures and enthralling opportunities to do the Father's will. Each one has a journey before them beyond our wildest imagination. Words are inadequate to describe this thrilling adventure that awaits you, and the love and nurturing awaiting you as you journey thru the mansion worlds and on to Havona.
HAL: It sounds exciting. We look forward to it. I guess life here can be just as exciting too, and we should look forward to this life in the days ahead as well.
JAREL: Now dear ones, this one grows weary. I send each of you my love and respect. I will be checking in on each of you this week. Farewell.
Group: Thank you Jarel, and thank you for your encouragement and building our enthusiasm and confidence. Farewell