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Topic: Education re The Teaching Mission

Group: At Large


Teacher: Mantoube

TR: Jim Cleveland



Education re the Teaching Mission continues. I am cutting and pasting our recent dialogue with Minister Pato Banton. Most people likely missed all of my responses and also a transmission from Mantoube Melchizedek. So here it is and, of course, you are free to disagree with anything I say. It's only the product of my mind, not the universal one.


Jim Cleveland: Hello Pato and all, and thanks for activating this discussion. Over the years, I've confirmed dramatically the root lesson of the Teaching Mission -- the symbolic tap root from which grew an oak, with various branches. Stay with the root. what appears now to be the Seed. the one great Revelation of the TM -- that individuals can go into quiet, dedicated times of worship, love and open mind and receive direct, tailored spiritual guidance, day by day. Dump the internet gurus. Morontia teachers, Melchizedeks and Celestial Artisans are open to serve and co-create with you. Yes. but .... how does this connection influence the various minds of the receptors.

In a growing community of 100 or so transmitters in a community, can one man's imagination run amok that he can lead many into a fantasy world of prophecy and falsehoods and ultimate confusion. We didn't learn the basic lesson. Mr. Besser destroyed much to the TM core with his misdirections. But .... we have been repeatedly told by the teachers to evaluate all of the secondary material carefully and rely fullly on the Spiritual Mind you have developed via Stillness.

Summary: Learning to access one's own spiritual guides is the only sure way to sure truth in a world of minds that are bogged down by myopic partisans and paycheck preachers. I respect Donna and the quest to develop spiritual consciousness. Beyond that, your Q/A report raises questions too. More later ...

The Teaching Mission is about finding spiritual answers within your spirit. Express concerns within and listen calmly. Do NOT think. Do NOT think. Do NOT think. Open in peace to the words that come and record them in the flow that replaces your Analytics. It works, can't fully explain why. I trust my transmissions in this super-conscious state. This is where seekers should go, not to me. Can I validate this for you? Don't think so. I have nothing to do with it. Shall we have a validation question? Are Christ Michael's flubbed answers view based on new insights and details for a 2016 audience, material not found in the measuring stick Urantia Book of 1955? Which spiritual personality should be called upon for a validating question and is it appropriate? We shall see .... It seems that my Melchizedek mentor takes this as a question per our previous call for questions so will respond. I need to get into an open framework to type up his sentences cleanly ....

Mantoube: Dear Pato and ALL souls, I am Mantoube, a Melchizedek. As always, I strive to be concise while being clear. We regard you, yourself, and your loyal cast, as our source of spiritual truth and celestial communications. You are in touch with the deepest spiritual truths and have a dramatic means of expression. We are not looking for people to sit down and channel lessons in a room; we are looking for action. So much to do to bring this planet to light and life over coming generations. With the quarantine lifted in the rebellion worlds, our expanded mission has been the development of a higher level of spiritual consciousness and cosmic awareness in vast numbers of ascending souls. This direct connection supersedes evolving human dogma which is forever polluted with the erroneous us vs. them mentality. But even as higher spiritual insights are imbued into the human mind, upon askance, it processes though that labyrinthian baggage-laden mind in its own way, and thus a variety of resultant expressions. Learn to trust your own mind -- to receive purely. And know that our mission is entirely personal and should not twisted into partisan desires and demands. Too many people want celestial lessons to fit into their own agendas and conveniently come to consider that everything coming into their mind is from spirit. You must sift for what you should believe in other so-called transmissions. If it hasn't come to you directly and has amazingly come through some other human and intended for all humans to heed on this planet, there comes the need for your logical mind to play a significant role in developing your spiritual acumen.

Jim Cleveland: (JWC again) And also ... re spiritual-celestial communications .... artists and authors tap into spirit-guided insights and express them abundantly in the world all the time. Orators and lyricists alike often tap into the de facto channeling of spiritual insights as they step forward and step on stage in service. The words and the message comes into them. As for most one-by-word trance channelers I have found their messages ring of truth, beauty, goodness and sound personal advice for living in spirit. This is true over the years.

My true treasure chests of spiritual-related advice come from the Urantia Book -- who we are in the universe plan -- and the ACIM -- which explains our spirit identity -- and the Pathwork Foundation lectures -- which provide great insight into living with one another in the world to bring about peace and progress. These are three Revelations in my view which provide a lodestone of advice that we can never completely understand and absorb in a lifetime here. There are other internet self-professed mystics who like to predict things. Truth: celestial personalities aren't interested in predicting events on our level. They know that the future is eternally created by the thoughts and actions of the world's human personalities in tandem. They are more concerned with guiding its directions onto fruitful paths to create a better future, and one that's attuned to 24-7 personal spiritual guidance.


And ..... Jim again, I would like to know what false information came from Michael re CCC. What is the 'validating' question that should be asked to a celestial? Does anyone else want to go into Stillness and seek an answer to this serious concern? We have been encouraged to do this for about 30 years now, and I wonder how much longer we will be going to other second-hand transmitting humans to get the guidance we want? Do we still have to go to someone who 'channels' with some kind of special power ... so that our spiritual growth must come through them? Again, logical thinking plays a role. Logic makes perfect spiritual sense.

Teaching and learning never cease in the Universe since that is it's purpose. No one, not even humans, are left out.