1998-09-20-Giving & Receiving
Topic: Giving & Receiving
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Evanson, Elyon, Darid, Elena, Lester
TR: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
Evanson (Jonathan TR): Hello to you all. This is Evanson, and I am wishing to make comment for you each individually before you receive from your instructors today.
I have observed your conversation and desire to emphasize a need for you all; that is on the subject of giving and receiving. You have recently been encouraged to view this dynamic process as instantaneous, that you receive as you give, and this is true, but I desire to focus on the element of your will. The orientation of your will is what creates the perspective that you are either giving or receiving. In order to create balance, in order to avoid overmuch orientation in either of these two functions, it is good to assess the direction that you are focusing your activities, for even though you receive as you give and you give in receiving, when the mind is focused singly in one of these directions, it grows weary. It grows discontent. This is when it is good to demand of yourself a reversal of direction. This shift of the mind is refreshing in itself, even though the process has not changed at all. It is as new in the mind's eye as it is for your to turn a painting upside down. The functional aspects of giving and receiving have not changed, merely your perception, and this can be refreshing to those in need of receiving, and it can release frustration for those who have only been receiving and yet experience discomfort from the unconscious urge to give.
I convey this to you today in order to encourage you to switch your orientation when the need arises. Thank you.
Elyon (Mark): Greetings. It brings me great joy to come among you today as one who promotes greater understanding. This is your coach.
In your discussions earlier today you are beginning to grasp the significance of the multifaceted nature of the triad relationships, and their significance in your everyday activities. You are beginning to realize the underlying foundation of relationships of a triad nature so that, when you find yourselves experiencing any given aspect, you may attempt to reach out to what you consider to be other aspects of the triangle you happen to be in.
Also realize that you may utilize many different triangles in any situation; you are not limited to the resources available simply through a single triad relationship, but may find yourselves accessing and visiting other triad relationships to gain different perspectives on a situation present in your reality. The key you will find is in the recognition of the attributes and the application of the appropriate complementary corners of the particular relationship. Again, you will find yourselves accessing several triangles, and in this process, finding yourself becoming more familiar with the varied, numerous aspects surrounding any situation. The reality contained in any situation cannot be limited to any single triangle, but rather branches into contact with other triangles before culminating in its eventual unity.
I have every faith that if you continue your studious application to the lessons provided you will unfold many other triad relationships which you will come to find neatly fit into your triangle tree and also complement the relationships you are already familiar with. But as you stated in your discussion, do not forget that the real fruit is the realization of the use of these relationships in your understanding process, to consciously seek to go to be in various corners of the triangles, to honestly and sincerely desire to gain what insights and knowledge can be derived from these corners as a way to seek fulfillment and balance in the situation.
Jonathan's analogy of the tree and the branches getting lighter and thinner out towards the ends is a good one in that you must stay firmly rooted in the center while attempting to reach for the outer limits. It would not be good to spend all focus on the far reaches of the branches as your weight there would cause collapse. It is a desired goal to reach for these far corners and still maintain a firm grasp on the trunk.
I would also offer as suggestion that you realize that not always are lessons delivered in multi-layers. Sometimes a lessons is stated, and it is desired that it be taken at face value; other times you may distinguish varying layers of depth and truth in a lesson. Therefore, they do not necessarily demand the same scrupulous treatment. Often a given lesson is delivered and inadvertently there are multiple layers of learning, and these are good to explore. Just do not get stuck on anticipation that every sentence has multiple meanings. This is not necessarily the case.
I would conclude my remarks today and open the floor for other teachers, questions, comments, or observations.
Darid (Jonathan): This is Darid, and I would like to convey to you a way of understanding Lantarnek's lesson of last week. I have revealed to Evelyn in the past that I like to dance. You seeking to understand these triangular principles are each a dancer. The principles themselves are the dance, and as you know often a dance is choreographed, it has its steps thought through. The various significant events throughout the entire movement are planned. The connecting movements are arranged for amplification of beauty; not only does one event express itself beautifully, but that all events taken together is another level of beauty. As you study these triangles you are studying the dance and its movements. Yet when one undertakes a dance, one will always end up expressing slightly differently than the intended sequence. You may leap; you may spin, but you may not necessarily land where you have chalked yourself to land. Going through an entire sequence is beneficial, however, it is of utmost importance to any serious student to spend time working and reworking a segment of the sequence. This is Lantarnek's intention with you when he expressed that you work on what you have.
Also I would add one last comment, that it is very inspiring to the dancer to at times break from the choreographed sequence and ad lib to throw in one's own movements for the sheer enjoyment of doing so. This is the reason why you are encouraged to make and place triangles on your own.
I am finished.
Evelyn: I have been doing that today. Mary mentioned an enthusiasm triangle, which I have been trying to devise. It falls under focus. Enthusiasm, endurance, and --I started with experiment -- Elyon mentioned explore, and I like that better. Maybe energy instead of endurance.
While Elyon was talking I also came up with root, reach, and recognize.
Darid: This is wonderful, and I am excited to see you doing this. It is enthusing to discover these relationships, and it will strengthen you each as you face complexities in life's situations to create an automatic ability to respond with a threefold effort. This will become natural, and you will find yourself far more able to effect good outcome in these perplexing moments by deliberately working in this manner.
Thank you for sharing these triangles with us.
Tom: In discovering triangles, is it important to find a place on the tree for it or just to discover the triangle itself?
Darid: I would return your attention to your previous lesson on the jigsaw puzzle as a way to illustrate that both are valuable. It may require developing numerous triangular relationships before they reveal the interconnected relationships of these triangles to one another. Yes, connecting them to the tree reveals new insights, but it's a secondary compilation growing out of the primary association of three truths, three realities. If you connect one to the tree too soon, it will not break the limb, but you may find in time that it needs to be repositioned as your comprehension expands regarding the overall structure.
You have spoken of a mobile that illustrates visually these relationships. When you create your triangles, they are like the pieces sitting in the box not yet hung on your mobile. If the box is empty, there is no mobile to create. So it is good to develop the triangles even if you have no place at the time to connect them.
Mark: It's good to hear from you, Darid and Evanson. It's good to hear from the personal teachers.
Darid: I thank you. I would reveal -- this appears to be a stronger word than I intend -- that many of the lessons delivered to you are the result of the work of your personal attendants. We are the fact-finders, the need-gatherers for you each. We are out in the field, and we report back what our associates are experiencing such that the Melchizedeks are better able to develop lessons that are applicable to a group and all the while remaining relevant to each individual. Many of us work as a team in this manner, so, though I am less likely to convey in word to you, I am very active, as are my compatriots.
Mark: We are grateful for your work with us in the field.
I wonder at times when I recognize thoughts while TRing that I have experienced that come up in the lesson. Which came first? Was it my thought pattern from a previous teaching or was it my thought that was worthy of further illumination? It's an interesting question.
Darid: Indeed it is, and I continue to enlarge my prior statement.
You each have discovered that your conversations prior to meeting with us contribute significantly to the lessons that follow. As each personal teacher gathers throughout the week for the lesson content, you are each contributing in your own right. It is another example of "as above, so below" and vice versa. Your comment illustrates that, while each of us is in varied levels of spiritual advancement, we reckon all sources of increasing enlightenment as valuable. No teacher is ever unwilling to advance a thought simply because it is considered to be another's original idea. On your world you as yet treat things of the mind like material objects that can be possessed. Throughout mansonia you will find that we are all freely exchanging. It is like we are running around with our boxes of triangles and passing them out to one another continually.
Mark: We as beginners should not reject out of hand any of our thoughts as being unworthy of further illumination.
Darid: Correct. The only caution I give to you is that in recognizing a thought pattern as yours to determine your motivation and its expression. I speak to you and to any others who transmit. We generally must use your native language and more specifically your conceptual frameworks. Therefore it is not surprising to find your thought patterns being expressed by us. But you have no doubt noticed that sometimes your patterns of thinking are rearranged by a celestial teacher for new insight. Here is where you must guard yourself from the influence of your motive.
Was this expressed clearly?
Mark: I believe so. It is my concern as a TR that when I hear things come out that I recognize from some other place, I become concerned that the channel has been compromised or become impure somehow. But I think I am going to learn that in sincerity is pureness. I assume you speak of motivation.
Darid: Yes and, as a demonstration of this, I am going to express Jonathan's reflection upon spraying lacquer. One who sprays a finish is always desirous that the final film be free of impurities, yet, as he has noticed, that never happens. This is likewise true of our communication process with you. We do have to live with the flecks that get into the finish itself. But we also know that experience in life is the rubbing compound that can remove these impurities and polish the finish to create the intended result in the long run.
Does this help?
Mark: Very much. So in an effort to be as pure a top layer as possible, you recommend to continually check motivation and sincerity as filtering mechanisms?
Darid: Yes. If I return to my first comments on dancing, each of you has a life history that we could say determines your dance style. When we hand you a dance pattern to undertake, you each will give flourishes which are distinctly your own from your training. These are okay. Motive and sincerity are the checkpoints for you in discerning whether you are adding a flourish to a sequence or rewriting a sequence to suit your own needs.
Mark: Thank you very much. That's beautiful. I appreciate your comments today.
Darid: I am delighted to have spent this time with you all.
Elena (Mary): There is a lesson here regarding the art of living. Through your interaction with the triangular, triad relationships you can develop an artfulness to your living which involves balance. Balance is what the triads speak to. The art of living comes from achieving a balanced approach as you go about the process, engaging yourself in your life consciously through the use of your faculties of body, mind, and spirit; and approaching the values of truth, beauty, and goodness through virtuous application of your desires and wills. So, practice the dance of life, the artful expression of yourself in a conscious way that reflects the true beauty of your goodness.
Lester (Mark): Yo, Lester here. One more thing. I've just got one word for you guys, just one thing that you can't do without and that is the joy of the experience. Don't forget, as studious as you are and as hard as you try to learn these lessons, they will all come to you. You will possess each and every one of them. That is not what the issue is. The issue is with what attitude will you go through this journey? With what sense of satisfaction will you portray yourself to those around you? That is your challenge, my friends. So, be about this business of spirituality but be about this business of joy and love around you. Take this inspiration from me today as I so freely and lovingly give it to you. Show joy, show love, show peace to all those around you. It is what will matter in their lives, not what you know or what you will grow to know, or what they know, but the joy with which you can share it. Go out and have some fun.