2001-06-03-Resonating With Others
Topic: Resonating With Others
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, Helena, Jessona
TR: Jonathan, Ginny
Elyon (Jonathan TR): I will begin this communication engagement. I am Elyon.
I am delighted that you are pursuing my suggestion of last week and are pondering avenues wherein you may apply yourselves collectively to help Michael with ministry on this planet. I realize you know full well that your efforts are local, that you are a small group and do not have the means to cover the world with the message that you have been enlisted in promoting. It is not important to reach far and wide; it is more important to reach deeply to a few. As Kirk has mentioned today in your discussion, every individual is of Supreme importance. Each one is a valuable contribution to the unfoldment of the Supreme in time and space. As we each diligently seek deeper relationship with God, greater comprehension of truth, expression of goodness, and realization of beauty, we desire to let that spill over into the lives of others. Yet this sharing always must couple with it the understanding that what another derives from your expression is one tidbit in the complex array of input they receive that will contribute to the evolution of their soul and to their input into the emergence of Supreme Light and Life.
You have been informed that Jesus never followed up those to whom he ministered. He knew full well of the indwelling presence of his Father, and he also knew that the meeting of his soul with the soul of another is a point that initiates new personal growth that ought not to parallel the growth that Jesus pursued himself, but be its own unique adventure into the relationship with God.
You have discussed a motive for presentation today, and I deem it worthy, for it is an intent to express in a collective medium of sharing your personal spiritual pursuits that others may witness and choose whether or not it is appropriate for their path. I discern that it is not a campaign on your part to convince or to collect others into the fold. This is the healthy approach. All individuals are discovering daily, although at times in spite of themselves, what experience in reality can bring to the soul, what insights can be brought to mind to further growth. The Master taught that the way to the kingdom of heaven is narrow. This narrowness is not the confinement of a specific religious doctrine. Its narrowness has to do with the fact that each individual must find their personal course to the Paradise home. No one can go out and purchase another's path. That is the narrow constraint. I have mine and you have yours. In ministry the importance of your efforts is to ignite in another the realization of this precious opportunity for a personal, individual experience with God and with the universe of reality He has spread out before us all. Having done this you have done your most. You can choose many forms, but this is the good intent.
Friends accompany me today, and I will pause at this time.
Helena (Ginny): Good morning, this is Helena.
I have been hanging around, so to speak at many of your sessions to learn how to portray the lessons that we have to give you in ways that are acceptable to you, in ways that can be easily understood by you, since we have the tendency to, at times, be beyond your immediate comprehension in our words. As you will readily notice, your teachers very frequently use analogies to explain to you some eternal truths couched in very understandable language. As you go about your ministry you become like a single note. For those of you who are musicians you understand that one note contains other sounds, that when you depress a note on a piano, for instance, it is not just that one note that is sounding. It contains vibrations of overtones that are in harmony with that basic tone so that when you press that note or pluck that note or sing that note you are also touching the vibration of the frequency of other open strings, and only the tones that are in that harmonic interval will resonate. So, as you plan your activities your tone, your note, will resonate with other frequencies that are ready to receive your message. Other tones will be left out simply because the frequency is not there for them to resonate. However, the one tone still contains all of those sounds. Others will resonate to other tones. That does not mean that because other tones are not resonating to your one note that you deem the other tones unacceptable, for they will resonate at other times.
As you ponder your purpose here and try to find ways of expressing yourselves, you can always be guaranteed that, as long as your intentions are pure and that your motives are sincere, you will attract those who are in that same position. So, go ahead with your ideas and try them out. I encourage you to do this without being attached to the outcome. We will be with you en masse and ready to serve. You do not need to worry about us; we will be there.
It has been a pleasure speaking with you today, and I am very happy to be a part of your activities. Thank you for listening, thank you for resonating.
Jonathan: Thank you. You instilled in me the insight that, as we will have that resonating effect on certain but not all others, we as a group will have a similar effect. Also a group activity is composed of all the participants' resonating qualities, producing a broader effect.
Ginny: As Lincoln said, you can please some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but you can never please all the people all the time. That's my anecdote.
How can we learn to be more accepting when we get so upset when people don't understand or spoil our fun or make us uncomfortable?
Elyon: This is Elyon bringing my slider back up into the mix.
One means whereby you may alleviate some of the friction caused within is to evaluate the degree of cause for concern. Does the clash entail some cause that is deeply important, or mildly important, or inclined more towards trivial or inconsequential? Then you might better know whether to dismiss or to pursue the need for resolution or reconciliation or rectification.
You have made a good comment with your anecdote. I would reverse it to point out that not all the people will please you all the time. It is sometimes necessary to just walk away. But I encourage you to do so only after evaluating the relationship, the incident, and its importance. You know that there were times when Jesus took his troops around regions that were set at odds with his ministry. At other times he marched straight in to the center of that conflict. He would discern when it was important to bring resolution and when it was more advantageous to set that aside and be about other business, to not let it draw him away from tasks that would bring fruit.
Most human beings have encountered the experience -- I have -- where the cry of a child who belongs to another can be irritating, the wish that the parent would bring silence so that peace can be restored in the proximity. But that is a mild irritation, that even as that disturbance is taking place far greater causes for concern exist, perhaps not within your immediate range of function. My advice would be to grade the importance before engaging energy. If it is important, be not concerned for the agitation or the conflict, for the result will be beneficial, the turmoil worthwhile. But if it is graded as less significant you can spare the conflict and let it go. Leave it to another who, at another more opportune time, may cause change and for you to be about business of more significance to yourself and to others in need.
I hope this helps.
Ginny: Thank you.
Comfort Zones, Stillness
Jessona (Ginny): I would like to say a few words about your phrase "comfort zone". Comfort zones come from being in a certain place for a long time, for such an extent that you become used to it and do not like to go beyond. Your thoughts and your actions come from being in that zone because that is what you are used to. Comfort zones can be a good thing because they enable you to act naturally and without much effort and with more sincerity. That is a good thing. You can, however, extend your comfort zone. You can change your comfort zone by simply practicing something that is not comfortable frequently so that it does become comfortable. Any learning skill can teach you that, that ease and comfort come from practice. All your activities and all your thinking come from a place of familiarity, a habitual way of being that you have learned from someone or in some place over a long period of time. Your most spontaneous acts are habits.
Now, if you wish to be more comfortable in responding as a child of the Father, if you wish to respond more comfortably as our Master did in difficult situations, in uncomfortable situations, then you must train yourself to be in that state with practice. This is the importance of your stillness time, your simple quiet time, in communion with our Father who can indeed help you be more comfortable in His presence. The more familiar you become with being with this presence, the easier it will be for you to respond in a more loving and tolerant manner. It will be easy; it will be natural. The more time you spend acknowledging and being aware of the presence of the Father, the easier your tasks will be, and the less you will have to fret about what you should do.
So, I encourage all of you to rely more on our Father's assistance, trust more in making this communion time more comfortable so that you can more easily determine what times and what circumstances are to be let alone and what circumstances can be dealt with. Your old adages and sayings are true in many ways as is your phrase, "practice makes perfect". Have more confidence and have more trust in our ability to help you if you would but let us.
Jessona (Jonathan): I have a word picture to contribute to this valuable message. This is Jessona, I greet you.
Let us imagine that your comfort zone is like one car in a train that rides upon your railroad. When you seek to advance yourself, you step from one car across the hitching towards another car, and this is the point where uncertainty and fear may arise, where the rush of stimulus may distract, where the thought of losing footing may cause you to retreat. Yet once you cross to the next car you enter a new comfort zone and feel sheltered and safe. Advancement has been made. At a point in your future you will step across to the next car.
Now let me repaint this picture. You are one of these cars. You are training yourself and being trained by other cars in this line. These are your friends, the celestial ministers, and the Father's presence. At any point in your journey, at any point in your training, you will feel unfinished. Some degree of inadequacy will rock your comfort zone. It is at these times to trust that you are firmly latched to the car that is in advance and that the car in the rear that follows you likewise holds firmly to you, that your placement in the line is significant to the car behind. These are the fellows you seek to minister to. Preparedness, sense of adequacy, is not a completed state of being but one in continual motion and necessitates the collective contribution of each one of you toward each other and yourselves with ourselves and all within the family of God.
I have finished, thank you.